

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Last weekend's local Flea

For once, we were the other side of the counter, so to speak, as we went down to the Carmarthen Fleamarket just to look around and chat with our friends down there.  We chatted for about 3 hours!!  I took a few blurry photos:

I  should have asked the price of this quilt, but I didn't want to appear a time-waster!

My friend Ann.  We are normally stalled-out opposite each other here, but I doubt we will do any more as people have stopped buying (not just at our stall - it used to be packed out but sellers won't turn up if no-one buys . . .)

Short and sweet tonight as I am tired and it's already 8.15 p.m. . . .


  1. I wish we had such interesting sale units here in America. Our are always modern junk as I call it.
    Mr always finds things he thinks he needs but your shop looks so inviting. I would have asked the price of the quilt it really drew my attention. Have a great day.

    1. These stalls are just set up for the day Catsngrams. There are squillions of antiques and collectables still about and on sale in the UK. You would LOVE it! Sad about your modern junk . . . I remember following a yard sale enthusiasts' blog for a while, and was horrified at some of the junk that was on offer.

  2. No-one is buying paintings either as they used to. Austerity.

    1. Nope. Everyone is being SO careful with their money. The people who have lots of it still carry on as usual but they aren't going round the Fairs we're selling at!!

      I think the Brexit scaremongering (and downright lies at times) has everyone worried.

  3. I like that round basket on top of the cupboard.

    1. It's lovely isn't it? The lady whose stall this is buys a lot in France (for peanuts). I've had some nice kitchenalia off her.

  4. Markets have been in decline for about ten years at least..but its good to see those hanging on in hope.

    1. Indeed. It's this horrid "minimalist" look! But then, even Laura Ashley are bringing back dark furniture again, and no fashion lasts forever - I hear dinner services (good ones) are fetching money again. We have noticed a BIG downturn in the past two years, and since April even Malvern is a spent force and is more like a giant car boot sale.

  5. I probably would have bought Betty Boop, I used to love her when I was little! It's a shame about the markets declining, but people just want something for nothing, I hope it picks up, but it may be a while.

    1. Our friend with that stall comes all the way from the Midlands and was saying she does better at car boot sales now! On Sunday it was just £2 and £3 pieces she was selling . . .

  6. An interesting quilt. I've never seen a hexi flower garden with that wort of border.
    When we walk through the indoor Peddlers' Mall I find that I have a fairly short attention span--there's a tipping point [particularly if I've trudged past stalls that seem to be just clutter] where even the lure of a treasure doesn't take me much farther.

    1. Me neither. Unusual. At the last Malvern, when it was so hot and muggy, I did about 3 rows of the stalls at the bottom of the field and just lost all interest due to the heat and humidity and the rubbish on offer. I presume there ARE buyers for the clutter on offer at Peddlers' Mall?

    2. Some of the most unappealing stalls [the ones I don't venture into] seem to be there forever. Perhaps the offerings change, but still look like vintage trailer house junk!

  7. What a great selection of items! I really wish we had something like this here. We do a one off every year close to Christmas that is generally packed. I think the vendors do very well for the most part.

    God bless.

    1. Gosh, I can't imagine just an annual selling event here! There are dozens all round the country, but because we are in Wales, not so many "local" to us. We do a LOT of travelling.

  8. What a wonderful array of items - the quilt is so beautiful :)

  9. I also liked the quilt on the lady wot goes to France's stand but she doesn't open it out properly so you can see the pattern. Next time I see her at a Fair, I shall ask her and take a photo.

  10. I do envy you with the selection of stuff you have around you, there is hardly anything our way, except an expensive dealer in Kirkby. And no I haven't acquired anymore cups and saucers though I have my daughter to keep an eye out in the two shops.

  11. Fabulous auction with a great restaurant (according to Weaver of Grass) and you could find some goodies in their auctions . . .
