

Jennie's recipes

Monday 15 October 2018

Almost back to normal

We had a walk down across the bridge yesterday afternoon - the bottom lane was passable both sides of the river, but lots of silt on the road.  Above and below, this is the Bad Boy who started it all - a big old riverbank tree which obviously had the bank dragged away from under and around it.

The river had dropped between 12 and 15 feet. As you can see it had gouged away the side of the bank.

And a neighbour's tarmacced parking area.

The bank on the roadside . . .

The strength of the water (or another passing tree) also bent this galvanised gate post . . .

So, for the meantime, we can walk over the bridge, but not drive over - we have to go out over the top to go to town or onto the A40 in either direction.

Today we had our flu jabs and did a bit of shopping.  The aftermath of the floods was still evident - waterlogged fields, muddy fields, flooding either side of the river on the floodplain and by the main bridge into town, in the yard of a garage, several cars with mud on their roofs and a caravan sideways on top of them . . . Insurance writeoffs I should think.

I was awake early so caught up on a couple of Escape to the Country programmes - these were ones with nice people househunting.  Sometimes they have people I don't take to . . . people who are so incredibly picky over the least little thing or REALLY haven't thought through the whole idea of living in the country.  Makes me wonder why they want to move at all!

I spent the morning doing housework and hope to get back to painting our bedroom again tomorrow - I just want it finished now.

Meanwhile, there are STILL MORE APPLES to pick!!


  1. Glad you survived and can to and fro.

  2. Well, we won't be bothering with a daily paper for a while - going 3 miles each way was doable. Going 6 miles each way we shan't bother!

  3. At least you are safe and dry.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. Yes parsnip, and we didn't write the car off in a deeper-than-expected pool of standing water, which was one of the worries when trying to get home.

  4. Nice that you are able to get around again, even though in a roundabout manner. Floods always seem to leave a great deal of damage.

    God bless.

    1. Hi Jackie, we are used to long distances here in Wales - nothing is local!!

  5. I don;t think everyone on these programmes does wish to move BB - I think they just wish to be on the programme.

    1. That's the feeling I get with a few of them. Especially when they haven't even got their property on the market yet!

  6. Good to hear things are slowly improving. I watch that programme sometimes and agree some of the people are SO picky and just want to knock walls down and totally re-arrange houses. Also where do some of those people get such vast amounts of money (in some cases) from! So few seem to actually buy any of the houses shown them too. Tend to agree with you and The Weaver of Grass that they just want to be on the programme and have a free holiday!!!
