

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Sewing - and a shy little apple . . .

Wednesday afternoon is my patchwork class, and today I learned how to make an external pocket on my bag,  with gusset.  The bit under the sticky tape is the external fixing for the fastener.  Having spent a frustrating 15 minutes trying to fix in the tiny screws I have bought it home to work further with them - I think I need to make a hole through for the screw and use my optician's screwdriver to fasten it in.  The flap is only pinned on and needs straightening, I can see.

Below, this is the other side to the bag.  As you can see, I have machine-outlined around the flowers and leaves.  It gives them a bit more definition.

Below, Sam, the other side of the Hairy Window!  He is a LOVELY boy, although Theo disagrees with me and lays in wait for him.  I can handle him well now and he sits in the cat basket outside in the porch, so won't be frightened when he goes to be neutered soon.

Below- current reading matter.  I am half way through the Peter James - it's the first one of his I've read and it has no pace . . .

Below - still plenty of apples on our trees.This blurry picture shows the one at the end of the drive - we have already had about 6 boxes of apples from this - half given away.  There is no room in my freezer, no-one eats apple sauce in our family, I don't make jam any more, and though I may make some chutney with a few of these, it won't make much of a dent in the apple mountain!

Below:  this little chap looks like he has sucked a lemon!!

Right, I have the Dentist in the morning for a repair to a filling, and then OH and I have a date with a blocked down-pipe . . .  It promises to be somewhat messy . . .


  1. What fun you are having - well - some!

  2. I enjoyed my sewing today, despite the big learning curve! Setting a zip next time . . .

  3. Very nice bag. Outlining the flowers sure gave it more depth.

    God bless.

    1. Everyone at my class loves the fabric I chose - curtain material, but beyond my remit by the yard!! These pieces were samples from a pattern book.

  4. Beautiful fabrics, it all sounds very technical to me, way above my level. Sam is very handsome. He reminds me of the very first cat I ever had (over 60 years ago) he was called 'Sooty'.

  5. Elaine - We had a Sooty too, when I was growing up, and her mum Dusty and half-brother Smokey. Sam is very handsome, I agree, and an absolute poppet, though to Theo he is the Devil and has to be chased off!!
