

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 18 October 2018

Another church visit last month - St Cynog's at Defynnog, Sennybridge

Whilst we were still doing the Wee Flea's at Hay, we were able to check out a few of the interesting churches either side of the A40 or close by (those with early Medieval sculptured stones mainly).  This one had one of these, and is also famed for its ancient Yew Tree, which is more than 5,000 years old.  This was at St Cynog's church at Defynnog, which is just a mile or so out of Sennybridge.  Parts of the original (probably Norman) church were incorporated into the 15th C building.

In the porch, is this ancient carved stone, dating to the 5th or 6th C, with later addition of ring-cross (8th - 9th C).

Across the porch was this stoop which would have been filled with Holy Water, and is probably 11th C or possibly earlier.

The font is inscribed with Runic letters and is the only example of this in Wales.

The main stained glass window.

This strikes me as quite a posh memorial to a humble saddler, so he was obviously a staunch member of the community, with his big family.  They say 8 children, then add a 9th (Mary) who was obviously an afterthought from first to last as counting on my fingers it looks like she was born when her mother was 40 . . .

There's a name to conjure with.  An unusual psalm to end with too . . . it continues: "and nothing shall offend them."  It sounds like Agnes was a humble spirit.  Her elder brother, however, was a fascinating character (I couldn't resist looking up the family name . . .)  

Above and below: I hope you can read the following pages from the church history.  Sorry, the tops of each page are rather dark.

The amazing yew tree(s) - see the first link for the history associated with it/them.

In the churchyard, a tombstone adorned with ivy tendrils (branches!)  When our children were young, they would always call any house covered in ivy or creepers, a "hairy house", so I am guessing this must be a "hairy tomb" . . .

Above and below, the conjoined tombstones of Morgan Morgans and his wife Jenet and daughter Joan.  He lived to the great age of 92, dieing in 1837.


  1. Replies
    1. There is indeed Simon. I need to go again and read the handout as we go round.

  2. Wow, very interesting.

    God bless.

  3. What a wonderful post and such an interesting church. The yew tree looks amazing and so enjoyed seeing the font and ancient stones. I also find it fascinating to read gravestone and memorial inscriptions. Thanks so much for sharing your visit.
