

Jennie's recipes

Friday 2 November 2018

Apple Dappy - it must be nearly winter!

APPLE DAPPY (Serves 6)

8 oz (225g) S-R flour
2 oz (50 g) margarine
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 pint (150 ml) milk
Pinch salt
1 tblspn Demerara sugar
1/2 level tsp. cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves or mixed spice
2 good-size apples (I use cookers, but dessert will do)


1 (washed) lemon or a little lemon essence
1 tblspn golden syrup
1/2 oz (15g) margarine
4 oz (100g) sugar
7 fl. oz (200 ml) water

Make syrup first.  Peel fine strips of lemon rind and squeeze lemon.  Put rind, juice and all other syrup ingredients into a pan and stir over a gentle heat until sugar is dissolved.  Leave to cool.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and rub in marg.  Mix to dough with milk.  Roll into 8" x 5" x 1/4" thick rectangle on floured board.  (20 x 13cm x 7 mm thick).

Peel, core and chop apples and spread on pastry.  Mix sugar and spice together and sprinkle over apple.  Roll up pastry and apple like a swiss roll.  Then cut into slices about 1" (2.5 cm) thick.

Grease an ovenproof dish  and lay slices flat on it.  Remove lemon rind from syrup and pour over the apple slices.  Bake in a moderately hot oven, Gas 6, 375 deg. F, 190 deg. C for about 30 mins.

Serve with cream or custard.

This is an old Devon recipe .
                                                  *                         *                      *

I just fancied making Apple Dappy this afternoon, late on, and the top photo is how it turned out.  Unfortunately I am SO stuffed with the other half of the Hay-on-Wye butcher's fabulous Steak and Kidney Pie I couldn't eat another mouthful.  The enamel dish it is in is one of two I bought for 50p each at a car boot sale.  They are just the right size for Apple Dappy and various puddings which I occasionally cook.

Above and below: another frosty and misty start to the day, but it cleared to sunshine.  I was planning a walk, but got started on housework, clearing away jobs, emptying jam jars of old jams and chutneys, washing them and getting off the labels, peeling apples to stew up, making the Apple Dappy, and picking up another feed sack of windfalls.   This morning  30 minutes was spent getting the paper 3 miles away because up at Ty Coch they were unloading a double trailer of huge straw bales.  The son was very adept with the weeny fork-lift, but his dad came to tell me they would be 10 minutes, so I turned the engine off and the radio on.  Bless them, when they had emptied one trailer the lorry driver backed up the lorry so I could scoot to the edge of the yard and then get past him.  I came back the long way. . .

I actually managed to READ most of the newspaper today, instead of just hurriedly glancing through it because I had Better Things To Do.  I even saw some daytime tv, but I was peeling apples at the time so didn't feel too guilty.

Now I will spend the evening sewing something, as I am in the mood.  I shall be glad when OH has had his cataract operation in the morning, having foolishly read the notes on what might go wrong . . .


  1. Goodness, what a frosty morning - haven't had one like that yet. I actually made myself an apple crumble - it lasted me five days!

  2. It's been like that most days this week Sue. I don't mind it once it warms up, but we've given in and had the heating on for an hour each morning as well as two hours in the evening.

  3. P.S. Your apple crumble lasted a goodly while!

  4. That looks and sounds seriously lush. I am going to have to try that one. We enjoy a good meat pie too especially on a cold winters day. We have had a lot of frost first thing in the morning all of this week. OH indicated that it has been a little precarious on the roads first thing too. Hope Keith's operation goes well. Take it steady the pair of you xx Pattypan xx

    1. It's a very easy recipe Tricia, and very tasty. The frosts here have been encouraging leaf drop so we will soon be back to the bare trees of winter. Operation went well.

  5. Good Luck to Keith in the morn. Sure it will be fine. Hope he has a pair of sunglasses ready!

    1. Thanks Jill. He's glad to have had it done, and thanks for the sunglasses tip - first thing he did when getting into the car was to put them on!

  6. Your Apple Dappy looks wonderful. Just right for a dreary day.

    God bless.

    1. Yup, we have dreary here today alright, but it's mild and not raining since last night.

  7. What a wonderful Apple Dappy. It looks so good.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. Tastes as good as it looks too. I managed to squeeze a few mouthfuls down for supper!

  8. I hope all went well with OH's cataract operation and his recovery goes well.

    The pudding looks wonderful - have printed off the recipe :)

    1. Enjoy the recipe RR. My poorly man is tucked up in the sitting room with the wood burner lit, watching (after a fashion) the rugby. I think he'll survive.

  9. A new recipe, with apples, calls for custard. HOORAY.It will be pudding tomorrow. I would have it tonight but it is liver and bacon for dinner with crunchy pudding, so there will be no room.
    I have sewing to do but it is Strictly so socks it is. I will soon be starting on next years gift list, not a bad thing at all.

    1. It does indeed Pam. Enjoy making and eating it.

      I am x-stitching this afternoon, a UFO which needs to be finished.

  10. I hope Ghengis is better soon, I'm having similar issues with one of our cats and a vets visit may be on the cards. Dexter still jumps on Finn because he thinks it's funny, maybe Sam is the same!
    Good luck to K
