

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 4 November 2018

Autumn in our valley

My darling man had the opportunity to have someone else's cancelled appt. for his first cataract operation yesterday.  A surprise when we got the phone call on Thursday as he'd only been measured for the lenses two days before.  We had been booked in at a local vintage fair, but fortunately were able to drop out as there was a waiting list and our payment carried over till the next fair in December.

So, first thing we were at the Hospital, and I waved goodbye and drove off to meet up with our friend Mike who was at the showground with a friend and her lovely loopy Italian greyhound pup Lily (that's her above, Lily that is).  She is gorgeous.  There was a dog show there so I took a couple of photos.

On our return, I took myself off for a walk along the valley for an hour.  As you can see we are well into autumn mode now.  There was still quite a bit of wood caught up here and there, and the stumps below the bridge waiting for the next good flow of water, which came through last night and has probably moved the lighter pieces.  A couple of rocks in the middle of the river had captured branches - one had four lined up on it!  I should have taken a photo.

The water levels have shot up several feet overnight and this is now a torrent of coffee-brown water hurtling downstream.

My favourite views, up and downstream, from the rocky bit near the gates to Upton Hall.

A constant trail of leaves wend their way downstream.

Above and below: Autumn foliage at the point where I turned round.

Finally, the larches turn first lemon yellow, and then the colour of Lucozade before dropping their needles.  Back in the morning.


  1. Lovely view, lovely pup and I hope the op went to plan.

    1. Thanks Pat. Things are slightly less fuzzy as today went on, so hoping he will be able to enjoy our trip to Oxford later in the week.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yes - he looked very dapper in that! As well as the - indelible! - arrow which showed which eye to do (I assume!)

  3. What a sweet gud dug plus beautiful Fall views.
    Happy to know the operation went well.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. She is the sweetest little thing - I was smitten! Operation-wise - one down, one to go.

  4. Lovely fall views of your valley. Glad to read that the operation went well.

    God bless.

    1. Jackie - it's pretty in any season really. I am waiting for Keith to say how clearly he can see now.

  5. I hope Keith is having a good recovery from the cataract op. I had both eyes 'done' four years ago--just before we acquired the Amish farm. I didn't find the procedure painful, but the prep--moving from station to station and drops in the eye at each one was tedious. A few days of grey and foggy vision gave way to the delight of seeing colors vividly again.
    It appears you've had a rainy autumn, as we continue to experience here. Each sunny day is cherished.

    1. I'd forgotten you'd had yours done. Keith is still at the grey and foggy vision stage but I do hope that clears before we hit the Oxford Museums. It would be wonderful for him to see everything in technicolour again! We've had an odd Autumn - warm and then a freezing spell last week, now positively muggy and damp again. A bit of everything! Like you, the sunny days are cherished.

  6. This is Kathy from near Chicago, IL in the US. I enjoy your blog so much. I have been to Wales once and it is so beautiful. Had to try your "Apple Dappy" recipe. All my family enjoyed it....took a bit to figure out the US equivalents and went to 3 store to find Devon cream. 6.50 for 6 ounces!

    1. Hi Kathy, lovely to hear from you, and pleased that you enjoy my blog. You will have memories of Wales I am sure, so I hope my photos evoke them again. I have lots of American recipes I use but as I have a set of cup measures, I am sorted! Glad that you were able to work out the American equivalents for this AND had Devon cream to go with it - worth the expense and the search I'm sure!!

  7. Set of smashing photos, glad the op went well.

    1. Hard to take a bad one round here, everywhere is so beautiful. Keith's just frustrated now as he can only read the headlines yet!

  8. Replies
    1. Hi my dear - yes, he is feeling comfortable again but can't wait until he can read more easily.
