

Jennie's recipes

Friday 30 November 2018

Driving the scenic route home . . .

We had to go to Cardigan yesterday to collect some stock from the Unit.  We took the shorter route home, cross-country, stopping at Cenarth to take some photos of the river, which was pretty full after all the rain which had accompanied Storm Diana.

Of course, it is regularly MUCH worse, and certainly was a couple of months ago when we had tremendous flooding locally.  I think the bridge at Cenarth was shut for a while due to trees piling up against it.

Up on the ravine overlooking the river, I am pretty sure this is a Spindle tree - they like Limestone, and this one had obviously found a safe niche here.  When the bright pink seed pods split open they reveal orange seeds.  I used to see them regularly when I lived outside Salisbury and walked my dogs along the Shaftesbury ("Shaston") Drove.

Finally, the ever-increasing wind farm in Brechfa Forest.  These were all turning well in the strong winds.

I had to go back to the Doctor's yet again today as I had a chest infection and am now on anti-b's and steroids (the latter for 3 to 5 days).  Hopefully they shouldn't disturb my sleep pattern too much.  I have a nice pile of books to get through - I bought 5 by Peter James when we were in Wotton on Monday and I have read the first already.


  1. Oh bother for your cold turning into a chest infection, hopefully the anti biotics will soon kick in.
    I love your photos of your trips round mid wales - happy memories of places we've been

    1. Hah Sue - bother wasn't quite the word I used!! I started the a/b's yesterday as I knew it was happening and the Doc has me keep a spare set and steroids in case I'm bad at a weekend. The steroids will soon have me bouncing off the walls.

      Glad you love the photos, and they're bringing back happy memories.

  2. Lovely photos from Cenarth, the river can be very dramatic. I have stopped there several times over the years. Not just for the river,the Tea rooms are an attraction as well. I hope that you are up to par soon, it is grim being ill.

    1. Tea rooms still open in summer, but I see the Coracle pub has shut . . . Iam SO fed up with being ill - today is start of week 4 with this wretched virus. Doc said lots of folk have gone down with it.

  3. I am now on a low dose antib every day for 2 months then it goes down to one every day x 3 days. So far no chest infections...and no steroids. Not exactly at running speed but much better. xx

  4. Jill - I was thinking of you today when I took my medication and wondering if they had put you on the low dose they threatened. Let's hope that it works. I like the sound of "much better" with the walking. I knew mine was bound to morph into a chest infection - apparently this virus is really doing the rounds and so many people have it.

  5. So sorry your cold has gotten worse. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear it up quickly.

    Love the pictures of the river and the bridge is so pretty.

    God bless.

    1. I had one like this the last time I had a cold, bunged-up sinuses for a month or so (these have NOT been bunged up but quite the opposite and I've used probably 25 packs of hankies! The a/b's will hopefully kick in properly tomorrow. A good night's sleep wouldn't go amiss either!

  6. Oh How I would love to see the Spindle tree with pink pods and orange seeds, The bridge with the circle is beautiful and the river is wonderful.
    I hope you will feel better soon. Oh how I wish I could read again. Between my eyes and brain glitch reading is hard for me. I used to read all the time, now it is so hard.

    1. I'm sure if you Google them you will get a close up of the seedpod and seeds. The bridge at Cenarth is very pretty - I think the holes are to let the river through when in spate.

      Sorry you can't read so well. Do you have talking books at all?

  7. I hope the meds are working and you are beginning to feel better. Enjoy a quiet weekend and that stack of books. Love that pretty spindle tree.

    1. They'd probably work better if I could rest completely but this is a hard working weekend .. . I miss the Spindle trees.

  8. I do hope you feel better soon. Enjoy all that lovely reading.

  9. I'm on the mend now thanks RR. The a/b's have helped cure the sinus problem too. Steroids have helped me get through a very busy weekend of back-to-back Fairs and I hope (with no alarm set for 5 a.m.) to sleep tonight! I read 1/3 of a book today at the Fair . . .
