

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 27 November 2018

A spotlight on charm . . .

My mum had a huge selection of old sayings, and the title of this post was but one of them.  I have always kept them alive, but I suspect they will die with me, which is a terrible shame as they are worth keeping to my mind.

Anyway, I woke at 4.30 for the loo and laid there, not able to get back to sleep.  Finally I allowed myself to check the alarm clock again - 6.15.  I thought, right I shall get up in a moment.  Then - manoeuvring lights showed up behind the curtains, and finally settled into position.  What. The. Hell?  Next Door with his tractors doesn't have lights as strong as that!  I was just thinking E.T. thoughts, when I realized that the oil man had cometh - we'd only ordered the oil yesterday and it was scheduled for the end of the week but obviously they were coming our way sooner and we must have been the first delivery of the day. 

So, whilst I am sat here with a hotty botty stuffed up my fleece top, I have allowed myself to put the central heating on for an hour or so.

Not only was it the oil man arriving, as yesterday, after a long wait because he is so much in demand, our builder turned up and he and his sidekick hacked off damp gypsum plaster from the end attic wall and put on the first coat of lime plaster. The second coat goes on on Friday and a minor repair to the long bedroom wall, plus Steve will get up on the roof to sort out what needs to be done to totally weatherproof it.

I gave myself the afternoon off yesterday as I felt far less than 100% and I am SO fed up with clearing my sinuses.  I have a used paper hankie mountain which is being burned daily.  I am hoping to avoid a chest infection but the wretched bug has gone on a journey of exploration into my lungs, which is not a positive, but so far just coughing up gunk and not running a temp etc.

Right, I must get on with Tam's quilt or it will never be finished!


  1. Hugs Jennie, hope you feel more comfy soon. Where possible I try and use natural methods or food to try and help with medical issues. Spotted this on Pinterest - not sure whether it will be of any use. Also on Pinterest type in Radish for sinuses - brings all sorts of links up on the scroll down - might be worth investigating. Hope you feel better soon and hope Tam's quilt is progressing nicely. Major hugs Tricia xx

  2. I'm just making some Elderberry Syrup - have it dripping through the jelly bag right now. Will check out the Radish link - many thanks.

  3. Our neighborhood includes a number of women who have become well versed in natural remedies. Elderberry syrup along with echinachea are widely acclaimed. I haven't been able to beat the birds to an elderberry harvest, but there are two stores in the Mennonite community who stock herbal medicines and bulk botanicals. I hope you can ward off the chest infection--antibiotics are unpleasant even when necessary.

    1. I got the syrup made and will have some shortly. I used a different recipe this time with honey in it, and no cider vinegar. You are lucky having the Mennonite stores not to far away. If you can get dried Elderberries you could make it with those. I am trying to avoid antibiotics, having had years on them due to that incompetent Dr.

  4. I hope that you are on the mend soon, we are just getting over the lurgy. Lots of elderberry syrup was enjoyed and many trees worth of paper hankies have been destroyed. This wet weather is getting to my hip joints.

    1. Gosh, I'm with you on the trees worth of paper hankies. I had a sore ankle from doing lots of driving on Monday and my hip felt sore this morning but I have walked both off. I wonder if we had the same cold? It certainly doesn't want to leave any time soon - Keith and I are on our third week of it! Perhaps we are getting old and feeble and our immune systems aren't good at kicking out the germs.

  5. I do hope that you will get over this cold you have very soon. Not a great time of year to be feeling ill.

    God bless.

    1. I could cope with the cold if I could just sit and do nothing Jackie, but this is a Working Weekend, sigh . . .

  6. The oil man doeth cometh, at least he brings you warmth. We live on the road where our local Bata oil man travels back and forth, they make the effort. Hope the elderberry syrup works.

    1. The Elderberry syrup helped last night but this morning I feel ten times worse. I think this may be setting off into chest infection land now . . .

  7. Dash it, I hope that cold has gone somewhere other than your chest, but it doesn't sound hopeful. Perhaps a jolly good dose of Grantham Specifick would help - One bottle dry white wine, one large brandy, juice of a lemon and 6 dessertspoonsful of honey. Mix all together in a brass, enamel or stainless steel pan, heat without boiling. Taken just before bed it is said to be efficacious against rheums, the ague and similar ailments.

    1. That sounds a good dram to have! I used to swear by brandy on its own, but the Grantham Specifick sounds much more interesting!

      I have given this cold its marching orders now!
