

Jennie's recipes

Friday 23 November 2018

Family busy-ness

Sorry, I had hoped to do a post today, but our eldest daughter is with us for a few days, and I made a lovely roast for tea (which took ages of prep - hardly ever have a roast dinner for just two of us).  

I have had a health blip too, which is a bit of a scary one, so I shall be on edge until I've been to the appropriate hospital dept. and had some tests.  Hoping it's something of nothing, but there is always a scary thought of two nagging in the back of your mind at such times.  

We have a busy weekend again with the local Fleamarket on Sunday, hoping it goes well as finances are in that sort of state where the only movement in your bank account is in an outwards direction!! The new Unit is having a real NoNoNovember too, which means the rent for next month will not be covered by sales.  Ah well, I have a full freezer and can make a vegetable curry go a long way . . .

Have a good weekend, all.


  1. Hope everything goes well on all fronts. x

  2. Thanks Jill. Sometimes you get a downhill spell, and my health this year has been wee problem after wee problem (as per the Chinese horoscope!) I intend NOT to read the Chinese horoscope next year - I'll just have things as surprises!

  3. BB hugs. Hope it is resolved soon. Thank you for your support this week whilst I have been in the doldrums. Feeling brighter, but a little worried for you. If anything can do yell. Glad your daught came home to be with you. Your roast sounds lush. Hugs sweetie from my neck of the woods xxx

  4. Hopefully, tests results will all be good news. And, wow what wonderfully delicious-looking cakes you make. (From your precious post.) You must the quite well-known for your skills in the kitchen.

  5. Hope everything turns out to be fine.

    God bless.

  6. Enjoy that roast dinner, and the company of your daughter.
    I hope the unit sales take a swift upturn and that the health scare quickly turns into nothing to worry about.x

  7. Wishing you well in all aspects

  8. Hope you soon get to hospital for tests - it's the waiting that's the worse thing - and everything turns out to be fine afterwards

  9. I usually feel bad worry tamp down scary thoughts and then it turns out OK.
    I hope you will be Fine.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  10. Best wishes on the hospital front, my daughter had tests, one particularly horrible, but it has all turned out fine, thank goodness. Gloomy time of the year but you have your daughter with you and delicious meals. X

  11. Not at all happy to read that you have a new health issue. These 'blips' are indeed scary, the more so as we gain in years and consider how many things can go wrong. Meanwhile, I suspect some non busy time wouldn't go amiss!

  12. Too tired to write individual replies to your comments, but if there IS a problem, then at least it is being dealt with quickly, which is a positive. I have had a lovely time with our eldest daughter here, and last night her best friend from school days (well, one of them), and we had a riotous time! Today we have been busy at the local Fleamarket, but had a good day.

    Hoping I shall be able to pot a positive update in the not too distant future.
