

Jennie's recipes

Monday 26 November 2018

Over the English border once more

A cottage beside the road as we drove away from Wotton.

Today we had to go to the Auction at Wotton in Gloucestershire to collect something we bought, and something we had put in the auction but didn't attract a bid (typical!)  Now that K is on the mend from his cataract operation, we shared the driving but I did all the motorway bit (which I hate, but I need to keep my skills up).  Because he is still suffering from a Frozen Shoulder (v. slowly mending) he can't drive for 2 hours at a stretch, but I can.  We came back the slow scenic route past Gloucester, Forest of Dean, turn left at Monmouth, stop at Waitrose in Abergavenny for anything we are low on in the food cupboard, and then along the A40 to home.

TBH, I haven't been feeling 100% after a long day at yesterday's Fleamarket (which was worth it though), and my cold is entering Week 3 and has morphed again - I am losing my voice and have a nasty suspicion it's going down onto my chest, which I could really do without.  I shall reach for the Elderberry Rob tonight, which I should have done when I first started with this bug.  K is about 2 days behind me with it . . .

Anyway, it was lovely to see some beautiful scenery, and I did try to take some photos when we were driving along, but you can never get a decent picture, so they are disappointing (and mostly in the photo dustbin now). 

Hmmm - a pretty half timbered cottage at 50 mph - or rather, we were!

On the bressamer beam in the kitchen, a rather large felt Robin which is my contribution to fresh Christmas decorations this year.

Below him is the short section of Heavy Horse leading rein from 100 years ago, with a heavy brass Victorian Crotal bell.  My treat from the Fleamarket yesterday and a nod to my Agricultural Labourer ancestors, one a known Carter and many others probably involved with farm horses too.


  1. Lots of chicken soup and rest for you, and I hope you feel much better soon!

    1. Hello and welcome. Yup, I think Chicken soup is a definite (just had a chicken noodle cup-a-soup to warm me up) for tomorrow. Off to my warm bed now and an easy day tomorrow.

  2. Hope your cold disappears. Thanks for the photos.

    1. I shall be glad to see the back of this cold as it has more than outstayed its welcome!

  3. Oh dear, I do hope your cold disappears quickly.

    God bless.

    1. It hasn't been a "bad" cold, so to speak, just blardy PERSISTENT!! Now going onto my chest, I fear, so may be on a/b's soon as we have two fairs back to back this weekend.

  4. One never needs a cold--they arrive at the most inconvenient times. My neighbor who exhibits at high end craft venues declares that wares and displays are handled this time of year with a grand exchange of germs!
    I've never liked to drive on thruways or in cities--if asked to do so at this point I would no doubt dissolve in a panic melt down.
    You--and probably Keith as well--are due for an undemanding day or two snugged up near the heater with tea and good books. [And the company of cats!]

    1. I think your neighbour is very right! We have a wonderful turned Walnut bowl which is very tactile and everyone strokes it - talk about germ central! I have wipes (for surfaces in the kitchen!!) which claim to kill 99% of germs including flu ones, and use them regularly. These particular germs came from travelling by bus in Oxford (we NEVER travel on public transport). Of course you have to hold onto the rails when you are getting up to get off at the next stop and I thought germs only AFTER I blew my nose (killer wipes were in the car . . .)

      Today is, as you surmised, likely to be a take it easy day and since I bought 5 books in Wotton charity shops yesterday by my new favourite crime author Peter James, I am not short of reading matter!

  5. Hope you did not take those photos whilst driving ;) Get better soon.

    1. Haha - no Thelma. I even had to get rid of the pretty cottage one which had Keith's face in it too - he was concentrating!!

  6. Do hope that cold goes quickly, lovely photos as always.
    Love the horse brass rein.

    1. I didn't go back to buy it - I went back to look at something else he had (to check the price) and he was trying to persuade me to buy both the big and the small bells. Had I had a good day I might have bought both, but one is sufficient, and I love it.

      Cold now getting WORSE!

  7. It is good to share the driving...then you get turns at seeing the views! I'll be very glad when my husband his cataracts done...

    1. We've always shared the driving but since his eyes have been bad, I've been doing the lion's share/all of it. He drove coming back last night for a while, but when it started getting dark he said his shoulder was painful, so I think that could be husband-speak for I can't see diddly-squat!! I hope your husband has his cataracts done soon.

  8. I love the horse reading rein and your Robin Christmas decoration. I knitted a robin last year for the Christmas Tree but it didn't turn out quite as well as I hoped so it got hidden about the needles on the tree!!!

    Do hope your cold doesn't worsen and that the elderberry does the trick and sends it on its way.

    1. The elderberry helped but today I feel like it is a chest infection that has joined the merry throng of problems. That's the last time I travel by public transport!! Blardy germs. Sorry your robin didn't turn out as expected - time to practice and try again.

  9. My mom also had a long list of "old sayings" but "spotlight on charm" was not one of them. I like it, so maybe I will add it to my own list. I often interject one of Mom's saying when it seems appropriate, but I don't hear my children repeating them, so... I do love your header picture! And, I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Maybe working on the quilt is just what the doctor ordered.

    1. One of mum's favourites was "I'm not Keyhole Kate you know" if a door was pushed close to.

      Quilt nearly finished now - far from perfect but I will be glad when I am free to go back to another half-finished one for me.

      The header picture is the Usk valley again.
