

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 23 January 2019

A little smidgen of snow

As you can see, the high ground to our East had had a little bit of snow, but we just had a couple of brief showers and some more in the night and frost, but it's warmed up and melted in our valley today.  These hills are still wintry looking, and of course the mountains have had a little more and it's stayed up there as it's colder.  It can go away if it likes as we want it a bit milder as we have journeys to make in the next month.

If it wasn't so cloudy, you would see Black Mountain with its mantle of snow, but when I walked up the hill yesterday, the clouds were low over the mountains.

One of the big old Ash trees which looks out across the TowyValley, towards Dryslwyn Castle, and below, some of the (rather grubby!) occupants of the field.

I enjoyed my patchwork class this afternoon, and got on with sewing the 9-patch border into two 6  block stretches.  I have some more of these little blocks to sew together.  Today I realized I didn't have the fabric I needed to do the two solid borders (well, one has star blocks incorporated in it), so did a swift journey to Llandeilo and chose some beautiful Liberty fabric which should go well with the rest, and a speckly blue-grey fabric for the outer border.  

I won't be able to get back to sorting out my Random Quilt top until next Monday now, but plans are afoot on doing it at home on one of my teacher's large quilting machines so I don't have to keep coming and going (and she is away for a few days).  Watch this space.


  1. Made me think of my own quilting days when I used to nip up and down the stairs to press various bits of material and think nothing of it. These days climbing stairs is a real effort. But I smiled at the "Liberty fabric" - nothing more exciting than finding one that you like (except perhaps two or three or more.)

    1. I did think a little about the Liberty fabric. Then I thought, it's in the sale, so I shan't get it as cheap again and it was just right to blend in with the rest of the quilt, so . . . I can still run up the stairs, and indeed make myself do regularly to keep up my fitness levels (I just need to tackle the eating too much problem!!)

  2. Lets see some pictures of the quilting please. Might warm me up!

  3. Yes, we had big soggy snowflakes that turned to rain, and then froze as the skies cleared and the temperature dropped, ensuring me a freezing and slippery ride to work!

    1. Not nice Simon, when you have to be out and about in it. Hope it's melted now.

  4. Darn I was going to send you some snow if you wanted it, but I won't since you are going to be traveling.

    God bless.

    1. Hah! I'll let you enjoy your snow a while longer I think. We need good roads for travelling, as three of the journeys mean setting off well before dawn and the Council didn't even bother to grit the main roads this past week . . .

  5. Walking those hills must be challenging, at times, but oh, those views. I hope the quilting machine performs perfectly, so that you can complete one gorgeous quilt, then get stuck into the others. Colours, fabrics, textures and patterns, are all so exciting. Fabric shops, like wool shops, (and book shops) almost make me drool with delight. I hope you stay snow and ice free for your journeys.

    1. Challenging - yes, that's the word Elaine! But as you say, without the climb, we wouldn't have the views. Currently working on another small quilt which could be a wall-hanging or one to display over a towel rail in the corner of a room. I should, however, really be decorating! Later . . .

  6. I love your pictures today!!! Reminds me of "How Green Is My Valley." I will definitely be watching this space for your quilting news.

  7. How Green Is My Valley - that takes me back. We certainly have plenty of green-ness and a good few valleys round here! More cutting out being done this morning.

  8. Beautiful landscape photos - we had a sprinkling of snow here too and it has gone much colder.

    1. It went back to being warmer again now tonight it is very chilly once more and so we have given the bed another quilt topping to keep us snug tonight!
