

Jennie's recipes

Monday 21 January 2019

Cold as a witch's t*t

We were up at 4 a.m., and away at 5, driving into a cold wet night, with patches of low-lying cloud along the route from here to Malvern, 2 3/4 hours away.  As I thought it was going to be wet rather than cold, I took my waterproof jacket with a fleece liner, with 3 warm layers beneath it.  Warm, but not warm enough as we were walking round at the Flea for 3 1/2 hours, trying to find stock.  An hour in I could feel the cold penetrating my arms to the bone, and my hips were aching from cold after two.   I am getting old . . .

We only bought 5 things, and it was a struggle to find THOSE and although there were a couple of items I would really have liked, I wouldn't have been able to make much of a profit on either, and it would have just been tieing money up, so I left them but I shall remember the Islamic style charger - it had the wow factor for sure but at £150 . . . .  The really unusual artist's walking stick, with brushes under a cap at one end and a hinged section in the middle which revealed water-colours also stayed put since the dealer wanted £225 for it!

Anyway, this bag was the first thing I spotted and I absolutely fell in love with it (love crazy patchwork).  It is going no further than ME, and cost just £5.  I thought she was going to say £25!!

I debated long and hard over these antique childrens' slipper stirrups.  I saw them last time but she wanted too much money.  This time I got a deal as we bought something else off her.  I get to enjoy them until they (eventually) sell . . .

This is a lovely little antique Belgian vase, c.1900, with a glaze far prettier in a good light.  In fact, it has a fabulous petrol-in-a-puddle iridescence to it.  I may well be stuck with that too, but as I said, there was very little to buy and I did like this, so . . .

At least on the drive home I could appreciate the countryside as on the drive there a) I was driving and b) it was pitch black all the way and foggy when we got to Malvern.  On the way home it was a soft grey day, with the only colour in the russet bricks of houses, rusty wriggly-tin shed roofs, and a scarlet garland of Briony in the hedgerow below British Camp.  The only light in the cobweb-grey of Travellers' Joy threading the hedgerows, the gold-green powder puffs of Mistletoe in the trees and the brighter green of Butterbur leaves on the verges at Whitney-on-Wye.  We drove past the little lawn and copse where a couple Escaped to the Country and set up a couple of holiday lets.  The programme was on tv last week and I said to Keith, I could show him exactly where they had moved (not far from Malvern).

This morning I have had my annual Respiratory check (A.O.K. on that) and had my hair cut at the hairdressers' for the first time in years, AND decided to have my hair coloured. After all, think of all the money I've saved the past few years by cutting my hair at home!! I'm fed up with iron grey, and the hairdresser suggested (as I love purple) that we went with some tonal shades and suggested I look something up on line and then I will have an idea of what I like.  I've done just that, so watch this space.  It won't be boring dark brown anyway (which was my original "safe" choice!!)  


  1. Bitter cold here with arctic air. Colicky horse.. have talked to vet twice, given banamine and off to get some fresh bran and electrolytes...
    Wish I was at Malvern shopping, cold or no cold! I think I had at least 5 layers on in the barn!

    1. Sorry about your colicky horse and hope it is back to normal again SOON. I can remember shivering with cold when out mixing feeds etc (though grooming and mucking out normally warmed me up). Do you have cold winters where you are?

    2. East coast of the USA..currently BITTER cold with Arctic air and 40 mph was -10C this am....
      Animals are in the barn but my mare is telling me she's NOT happy..I can hear her kicking from the house!
      Colicky boy ate mash and hay...electrolytes in his mash. Fingers crossed....

  2. Replies
    1. Good - just need to clone you into a buyer!!

  3. Any chance of a photograph of that hair? I adore that crazy patchwork. Are you selling it? If so name your price.

    1. There will be a photo when it's done Pat. I am going all risque over it thinking why not?

      For the moment I am keeping that patchwork as it's so gorgeous, but if I decide to sell it, you can have first dibs.

  4. Good for you surviving the day and changing hair colour! Its great fun.

    1. It was good feedback from the Respiratory clinic (you wouldn't think vacuuming the bed weekly would make such a huge difference, but the house dust mite is the thing I react most to, so it has). Can't wait to get my hair done now!

  5. It has been very cold and misty here just outside Malvern for days now. I wouldn’t mind it staying cold if we got some sun. The crazy patchwork is fab and I would have fought you for it if I had gone to the flea market.

    1. I struck lucky over the crazy patchwork - want to do my own version as a wall hanging now. I bet you've had snow today - we have had a flurry just now.

  6. I've only heard my Pirate saying that title phrase!!
    Good finds even if few and far between

    1. I suspect it's something I picked up from my ex-husband . . . Glad you liked my finds.

  7. Do not ever change BB, I think a touch of lilac will suit you just fine. That crazy patchwork is something special though and has your name all over it. You managed to find some lovely pieces there. Glad your breathing check up has passed well. I do miss the car boots and flea markets - used to go with my sister in law (no longer with us). Been very cold again here too and just keep piling on the layers to keep warm. Keep warm and keep safe. Tricia xx

    1. Hah - it will be more than a lilac rinse Tricia - I'm going for proper purple highlights/streaks, amongst the current grey. I hope that you can visit some car boot sales this summer. Keep warm.

  8. That bag is droolworthy, it may have inspired me to have a dig through my collection of rich fabrics. The top stitching on the seams sets it off wonderfully.

  9. Love the crazy patchwork. I have often thought of doing something similar but get scared off.

    Hope your test went well.

    God bless.

    1. I guess it's just do one patch at a time and look for inspiration on the internet.

  10. I too adore that bag :) Sounds a real bargain! Glad to hear your health test went well :)

    Really cold here with a sprinkling of snow today. I haven't been to the hairdressers for donkey's years as no matter how many times I tell them I don't want a cut that needs blow drying or straighteners they go ahead anyway :( OH cuts mine! Not coloured here either - just a mousey brown with streaks of grey so admire you for thinking of having a colour.
