

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Moving on into a New Year

I walked up the hill several times over Christmas and was pleased to see 4 Canada Geese on the top pond (with some ducks (all Mallards I think) right against the bank behind them.  They weren't at all bothered by my walking past, although some other wildfowl will head for the hills if they see me walking by.

As you can see, the first Primrose is flowering on our hill (and indeed it was on Christmas Day) - it has been so mild I'm not surprised. The trees with catkins (Hazel, Alder, Silver Birch etc) are putting on a good show and I am looking forward to Snowdrops later this month.

The last Red Campion bravely flowering.  On the road to Cwrt Henri Tam and I noticed the first Cow Parsley in bloom, and there are still a few Hogweed continuing from last autumn - having been cut down and grown back again.

We have had to go to Cardigan 3 times in 4 days, to empty our Unit, as it wasn't working out as we had hoped.  On today's journey I noticed the Butterburs were in bloom and putting out leaves but of course as I was driving, I didn't get the chance to take photos (they are by Narberth roundabout, for future reference.)

Tomorrow I will finally start to catch up with the chores around the house, but on Thursday/Friday I will need to rest up as I am having a Gynae "procedure" which I am dreading.  I am trying not to think about it at present, and just want it to be over and done with.

Anyway, all the best (again!) for 2019 and let's hope it's an improvement on 2018 which was not a good year for many people.


  1. My Hope is for all of us to have a better New Year !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Mine too parsnip. We will have to see what each day brings.

  2. Thank you! See if the world sorts itself out

    1. 'Tis a little crazy in politics right now, that's for sure!

  3. Hope the hospital thing goes OK. I've had a couple of uncomfortable things done in the past........I bet they'll tell you to relax! as if!

    1. Yup, they'll do that for sure! My friend-who-used-to-be-a-nurse said, ask for a local anaethstetic, though it will make your legs wobbly afterwards! I intend to do as she suggests but would rather be completely unconscious tbh!!

    2. They can do what they want but KNOCK ME OUT!

  4. Well be brave and think of other things when the procedure is happening. Happy New Year to you and your family. xxx

  5. Hah - easier said than done, thinking of Other Things, but I shall stare at the ceiling and be stoical!

  6. Hope all goes well with the procedure - I do hope you can have a local anaesthetic.

    I am hoping for a better 2019 too although, as a certain relative is still refusing to leave my mother's house so it can be sold according to terms of her will, I suspect things won't improve for a while!

  7. Thanks my dear. By 9.30 it should all be over and done with anyway, and I have to rest afterwards so will settle down with a good book and do a bit of my jigsaw puzzle too.

    So sorry to hear that you have an awkward relative who is refusing to leave your mum's house . . . I am guessing that is going to make waves until the solicitor can heave them out of the door.

    All the best for 2019.

    1. Thanks so much. So glad for you that the nasty procedure is now over and done with!

      I think it is going to be an awkward and unpleasant few months - now it is all in the hands of the solicitor so a matter of waiting! Just want the house sold (it is almost falling down!) and the estate settled so I can move on with my life.

      All the best to you and your family for this year.

  8. I have lived where winters are much longer and colder than here in Kentucky, but this one is seeming quite grey and dreary. Wildflowers in winter must be a welcome sight.
    Aren't Canada Geese the most elegant creatures? A sighting of them, either flying in formation or closer by on the ground is a pleasant sight. Oddly enough, I am not at all fond of domestic geese such as the quarrelsome things my uncle kept.
