

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 3 January 2019

Onwards and upwards

I've a few photos to share with you from yesterday's walk along by the river.  Camera settings were deliberate yesterday (!) and I played about with night-time settings again, and sports-speed ones (for the rushing water).  My favourite is the new header photo though. That turned out quite well apart from the stray sprig of wild rose off to one side!

I attended the hospital today for my gynae "procedure" and all I can say is I wouldn't be first in the queue to rush to have it done all over again.  Their idea of "discomfort" does not agree with my personal take on it!  Anyway, it's over and done with, my girly giblets (thanks to friend Mike for that description!) are all functioning as they should be with no unwanted hangers-on and I have had a thorough spring clean . . .

Tomorrow is a continuing of tidying up and clearing out - I would like to clear the Junk Room of all unwanted lesser stock.  We're doing an indoor car boot sale on Saturday, so hopefully I will shift some of it then.  We've bought some new storage boxes so the best china and glass will go in there, and discards can go in boxes to the stables and sent off to auction in the spring.  I intend to sort out my sewing room too and have everything up there in order so I know where to put my hands on things.  The bunk beds will have to go and that will free up a lot of room.

Anyway, the New Year = new broom here.  Onwards and upwards.  Enjoy the photos (and thanks for your support over the Hospital bit.)


  1. Lovely photos as always. And I am also glad for you that it is all over.x

  2. I enjoyed taking the photos - and feeling the river's energy. I am SO relieved today is over. Hoping I should sleep well tonight.

  3. Replies
    1. If there was a male equivalent Simon, I am sure that wouldn't be enjoyable either!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks gz - the river changes day by day and we know it in every mood.

  5. The new header is beautiful and you really catch the movement in the water.

  6. Thanks hart. It was just one of those lucky ones that worked (you don't get to see the failures!!)

  7. So glad that nasty sounding procedure is over and done with!

    The new header photo is beautiful and I love your water photos especially the light in the last picture.

  8. It was as bad as I expected it to be, so very glad it's behind me now.

    The sun came out at just the right moment in that last photo.

  9. If it was a hysteroscopy you have my sympathy. I had one last Summer, and couldn't believe that something like that is done with no pain relief, other than the suggestion that the patient take a couple of paracetamol beforehand. It was barbaric.

  10. Yes it was Scarlet. A friend who used to be a nurse said that a local anaethstetic would be a good idea but the idea of a needle in that area put me off. I should have known better - "barbaric" just about sums it up - it did used to be done under a general anaethstetic! Obviously they have made budget cuts!
