

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 14 February 2019

A day borrowed from Sping - or spring arriving early this year?

The new header is a photo of our beautiful river valley in May last year.  Just to remind me it will soon be SPRING again!

What a stunning SPRING day we have had today.  Sadly we wasted a bit of it on going into town for banking, new "sensible" shoes (me) whilst Sales still on, and going in search of some good cheeses for middle daugher Gabby, who is a proper "Cheesehound" and came for lunch today.  That said, I got a good walk in across from one side of town to the other, and up and down a bit looking in shoe-shops.  I ended up with a pair of Hotter shoes, which are like gloves to wear.  My standby shoes always used to be a particular style I got from Cotton Traders, but they have gone down in quality and the wide now feels tight so I think they are saving on materials every which way and I shan't buy any more from them.  

The view above is from a walk taken in March last year, when I went round by Lady P's.  This is the view across the valley towards Black Mountain taken by the top of the hill near her stud.

This photo is to remind me that the garden WILL look pretty again.  It also reminds me how spring-like it felt out there today.  I spent the afternoon gardening, with Gabby as Under Gardener, reaching up to remove dead rose branches I couldn't reach. I did some weeding too, and sweeping, and she did the yanking out of plants which were growing where they shouldn't be - an invasive Something Superbus which had got between paving slabs, and an ash sapling which had become established underneath the Corkscrew Hazel bush, and remained hidden long enough to get a good tap root down, but it was no match for Gabs!

After she left, I followed the sun around the garden and have now pruned a couple of roses, removed dead stems from the corner near the gate, weeded mightily around the blackcurrant bushes (a job still in progress!), and weeded 1/3 of the path to the greenhouse - or rather, where it is sited in spring and summer.  There is still muchly to be done.  A very BIG muchly too, but once I get going - and as long as I am not distracted by other jobs that need doing - I can easily put in an 8 hour day out there.  I have to get it all up together before we go back on the market (probably April).

Right, this won't do.  I should get an hour or so of embroidery in before bedtime, now I have remade the bed, which we stripped today.  Earlier on I was good and caught up with the ironing before we went shopping too.  Just duvet set from today's bed change to iron now.


  1. That was one busy day. I miss pottering in the garden. All worth it if its as bonny as the pond pic showed.

    1. I can do a LOT busier than that Jill - if I have a viewing, I go at warp speed! It will look tidy again soon out there and when spring arrives, it is magical.

  2. Alas I was working, but I got out whenever I could to take some photographs

    1. Ah, I can remember those office days when you're the wrong side of the pane of glass! Hoping it lasts into the weekend for you.

  3. You have such a beautiful house and garden - I can see myself sitting in that garden of yours with a cup of tea and a piece of your Dorset apple cake :-)

    1. Thanks KJ. We will have been in residence 31 years next month.

  4. Your new header is beautiful. I can imagine it as cool and shady during the hot summer. Your garden is nice and tidy too with spots of colour. I hadn’t realised you were selling. Good luck.

    1. It is stunning along by our river - always at its best with leaves on the trees but you should see it in the snow! We have to sell as it's just too big for us to cope with any more (we don't NEED 8 bedrooms!!) It will be a wrench to leave.

  5. There was still a bit of wind chill here but lovely to see the sun.The weather forecast said the warmest place was Ceredigion coast - unusual.
    Spring will get here eventually

    1. That doesn't surprise me too much as it was very warm here too. Hoping that spring soon reaches you too.

  6. The new header photo is so beautiful - you do live in a wonderful area. It sounds as though you have been busy in the garden :) Wishing you good luck when the house goes back on the market.

    1. It is so beautiful along our river valley. Sadly, many people who viewed the house have Sat-navs which take them a very long and convoluted way round and think we live in the middle of nowhere, plus they miss the beautiful river valley.

  7. Not a peep of spring here! Ground is so frozen I can't pull anything out of it! Snow predicted for Wednesday....
    One bright note.. one of my horses is shedding, so how much longer can it be cold??!!

    1. Lynda - if one of your horses has decided to moult, surely spring can't be too far away now! I hope your snowfall isn't too bad.

    2. Supposed to snow the day four of us leave for Nashville, Tennessee ( 12-15 hours) with a horse in the trailer..happily I am NOT the one driving....

  8. Beautiful scenery pictures of your area. Love the spring looking header. We are not sure if winter will ever be done over here. It's still in the -20C to -30C. The record here is 15 days of below -20C and we are almost there. Have a good weekend! Judy

    1. Hi Judy - another one in colder climes. I hope my spring header has cheered you up. I intend to garden this weekend.
