

Jennie's recipes

Friday 15 February 2019

Walking on another day borrowed from Spring! (More photos added).

I did a lovely walk back down the hill this morning (Keith drove me up there) - it was about an hour's walk (3 miles)and the views were lovely but milky, so the mountains were hidden.

I can just make out the top line of Black Mountain, but then I know where to look!

Across and down the alley.  Jim's farm is just going off the picture to the right, beyond what used to be the Gamekeeper's cottage in the foreground.

Views across the valley again, above and below.

View behind me so you can see how blue the sky was and the steepness of the hill (and why I would rather be coming down it as I am so unfit!)

Above, first Ramsons poking through the bank at the bottom of the hill near our bridge, and below, there were a little gaggle of Celendines of which this was the star of the show.

Below: Dog's Mercury - on time (it normally flowers from mid-January in the hedge bottoms.)

Well, I am now off for my bath as I am aching from all the gardening I have been doing.  Still, progress has been made and I am doing well in the stone garden after a couple of hours across there this afternoon.  I even planted some Narcissus - to my shame they had been gathering dust in a bag under the telephone table in the hall, and I kept MEANING to plant them.  Today I did!

I hope you are having sunshine wherever you are. 


  1. Lovely day here too. Love the sheep.

  2. Glad you shared our sunshine and the spring-like weather. The sheep were looking everywhere but at me! I was obviously rather boring . . .

  3. The views are wonderful and the weather is so lovely at the moment. So good to see Dog's Mercury and Lesser Celandine in flower near you :)

  4. Beautiful!!!!

    With hope, that this land, will always remain pristine and beautiful.

