

Jennie's recipes

Friday 1 February 2019

Being busy indoors

Above and below:  sunrise this morning.  We had a smattering of snow last night, but fortunately it didn't head up to us after it hit the West Country and went North East instead so we missed all bar a few flakes.  All the same, it has been jolly cold and I had no great inclination to linger outside, although Keith is made of sterner stuff and was outside cutting up and shaping pieces of wood to restore the little child's play chair - the coopered one - which had neither.  He's made a very good job of it.  Today he was out there making me a big wooden display stand for the gigantic Japanese charger I bought at auction this week.

Above and below: sunlight across the paddock.  The Black UFO in the bottom picture is probably a Crow . . .

I kept in the warm yesterday and as I had some blocks left over from the Random quilt, I turned them into something more useful - a blanket-lined curtain for the little window over the kitchen sink.  I had had a roller blind up there, but took it down last year as I thought I needed a smarter one (but never got around to buying one).  In this weather, we are losing heat in that corner, so I made this instead.

It looks quite pretty and is very efficient.  Today I have continued the vacuuming I started yesterday (keeps you warm), did some ironing (makes you hot), polished furniture (ditto), painted the wooden plate rack for the charger, and as I had the paint out, put another coat on a little bedside table which is here to be sold.  I also gesso'd the first layer into some gaps on a detailed picture frame.  The gesso was quite runny, so will need several layers.  All in all, a useful couple of days when the cold made outdoor jobs not look very appealing!


  1. Love the curtain. God you have been busy. Cold here too.

    1. It was bitter here, but I am much happier when it warms up even though that usually means more rain!

  2. The curtain is very pretty and practical! Stay warm!

  3. I love the views you goodness, they are incredible.

  4. Yesterday seemed the coldest day here, we still have a bit of snow left hanging around waiting for more.
    You are so busy.......... I would love to see photos of the things you repair to sell.

    1. I have a quilt to repair now - needs straightening at ragged edges and rebinding. I'm about to go and choose some pale pink fabric for it. Will put up photos as they are repaired.

  5. Pretty patchwork curtain, never would have thought of that..

    1. I don't like waste, and had sewn the blocks already, so may do yet another lap quilt with the last ones!

  6. That curtain is really lovely

    1. Thanks T, I have to say, it does look good in that corner.

  7. What a great idea to turn those leftovers into something useful. Good for you.

    God bless.

    1. As I said to Thelma, I don't like waste. I have lots of wee bits of material which I will have to turn into a gorgeous crazy patchwork quilt . . .

  8. The patchwork curtain is s beautiful. Very cold here too and frosty but no snow. Stay warm.

    1. All warmed up now, but coming home to a very chilly house on Sunday didn't help matters.
