

Jennie's recipes

Monday 4 February 2019

Feeling out of kilter

Sorry, I had planned a good post today but have been feeling increasingly yuk all afternoon, fell asleep in the car, then on the sofa, and ironing bedding to go fresh on the bed finished me off entirely!  I'll be back tomorrow, I hope, meanwhile the new header is a view of North Devon from our side of the water.

I'll give you three guesses as to what we were up to yesterday!


  1. That is why you are shattered. Great header photo. Be kind to yourself.

    1. You are probably right Jill. I still think I'm half my age inside, and carrying around hefty boxes/pulling trolley with same on is energy-sapping. Glad you like the header photo.

  2. Hope you were successful..and are feeling better.

    1. Didn't go too badly gz, and my cause first thing much helped by a lady liking a bowl I had - says off to find husband, but before she stepped away another lady came up and started stroking the bowl she liked. You could see the panic in her face! Could I hold it for her please? Then I knew she'd have it!! Feeling a bit brighter this morning thanks.

  3. Take care BB and rest well. I don't think the cold helps at all. Funnily enough since my do last Thursday I have been more lively in the mornings than I have been in a long while. Am still taking things steady though. I have a day out with a friend tomorrow to the small town of Stamford which has been the scene of many a historical production. Many years ago I used to go to college there. Seems a lifetime away. Hope you had a good day at the fayre yesterday. Take care Tricia xx

  4. The cold definitely made my breathing worse last week Tricia. We had a really full-on weekend with early starts and lots of driving (me), so I think I'm just worn out. Glad that you are feeling better - it sounds as if your problem just builds up and builds up until POW, it's a knock-out! Enjoy your day out in Stamford. It will make a nice change.

  5. Nothing wrong with resting - people are always telling me that when I feel guilty about not doing enough
