

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 25 April 2019

Another day, another problem

Slightly blurry cowslips above, and a better pic of the other side of the path below.

The bees still here, on outside of chimney, but a local chap is here to try and persuade them to leave with him (in a box).  He reckons they will probably swarm this afternoon as the sun is coming out again now.  Since we smoked them out, they haven't gone back down the chimney, which is a relief.  Update:  brave young man (old school mate of my son's) climbed up extremely tall ladder and SCOOPED the bees off with his arm!  I was inside, out of the pollen, but he told me what he'd done when he came in for coffee.  He was delighted to have a new colony for a super (think I've got that right) and the queen was still alive and with them - I was worried she had perished in the chimney when a clump of bees fell down into the fire.

However, the smoke from the bucket of oily rags has done my asthma no good - it was bad before that, but I'm now on maximum everything and still struggling.  I've spoken to my Respiratory Nurse and may have to go in for tests tomorrow.  I was getting better until we lit the oily rags in the bucket and I got a lungful or two of that and have gone backwards with my asthma.  Last year it was making chutney which also made it worse . . .  I'm not going back into our bedroom until there's a new carpet down (happening in the next couple of weeks).  

I didn't sleep at all last night - well, I think 40 minutes was all I got - and I had to take my inhalers early, so I am resting up inside today.  Tam's travelling down tomorrow, as she has a meeting at the Charity she works at on Monday, so will help with the Fleamarket on Sunday and take my place selling, bless her.  I shall sit and sew/read this morning, and quietly sort out what boxes of stuff are going to be taken to this weekend's Fairs this afternoon.  I may bake a cake.  But no going outside - had to take something to post this morning and wore my mask . . .


  1. How annoying that just a few minutes of something can cause big problems, rest up. I'm glad the bees are out of the house, hope they swarm to somewhere more catch-able!

    1. I know - last year it was Chutney making before I was well, and I got a two lungfuls of vinegar fumes, which had the same effect. Bees now gone to their new home across the valley.

  2. Oh, that sounds awful. I can't imagine what it must be like. I do hope you can get over it quickly - darned bees!

    1. Sorted - thanks for popping back to see what was happening. All sorted now and one young man delighted to have filled a hive for free and saved a colony.

  3. Do hope you feel better soon. The cowslips look lovely and I hope the bee man can remove the swarm!

    1. I'm about to do some meditation as my shoulders are up around my ears! Bees sorted.

  4. I can sympathise with your asthma issues. I too am suffering at present and haven't been able to get down to the allotment as much as I'd wish. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Hello Dragon Cotterill and welcome. Just looked at your blog and you have a good allotment there - eldest daughter has one up where she lives in Yorkshire. Sorry to hear that you are suffering with your asthma too - don't overdo things. I had to put my mask on to go outside today (to post a parcel) - I look a prat but hey, who gives a damn at my age!

  6. Those cowslips have blown me away - I have struggled to get one small clump in my garden.
    Re the bees - beekeepers seem fearless where bees are concerned don't they?

  7. Mine are all self-seeded Pat, just to make you even more jealous! Like the Welsh poppies which I tried to sow for YEARS, then gave up and dang me, within 2 years I had them everywhere. They like the gravel strips I have and so do the Cowslips. This was a laid-back lad and our beekeeping builder Steve is a very calm person, as was my dear late friend Annie, who kept bees. I fear I do not have the temperament for them! These were laid back bees though, not at all aggressive.

    P.S. I can save you some Cowslip seed if you like and you can try them in a little pot with a gravel topping?

  8. Glad to hear that the bees have a new home..hope your asthma settles soon..oily rags are bad at the best of times!

  9. Would the mask prevent infections? I have some masks - gave one to my grandson who had the sniffles, but I still got a chest infection, so should it have been me that wore it? Hope you improve.x

    1. What sort of masks do you use Jill? I only have some dust-masks we got for using when doing work on the house. Better than nothing, but not exactly specialist for keeping out pollen, which is so tiny. I did try a specialist mask last year but it was held on by ear-loops and I have small ears so it kept falling off and I had to send it back!

  10. Sorry you had such a miserable day. Hope the breathing is better by now. You did lend the planet a helping hand by rescuing the bees.
