

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 30 April 2019

OK, I give in

As an Aries, this is something I have only ever said a couple of times in my life, but today is one of them.  I am absolutely worn out (well, we both are, tell the truth), with back-to-back Fairs at the weekend, and the steroids have kept me wide awake every other night from start to finish, and my body has been struggling trying to come back from the smoke-inhalation last week when we had to smoke the bee swarm from our bedroom chimney.  That was what really knocked me sideways as the steroids had been starting to kick in until that little episode.

The Fairs at the weekend were the finish of me as I didn't sleep Saturday night, though my dear friend Pam offered to take over my side of things if I wanted to go home.  I was absolutely choked by her kindness - it's when you are down and someone gives you a hug (as she did) and my eyes welled up but I managed to choke back the tears.  You know who your friends are at times like this.  Pam is worth beyond gems. . .

Anyway, consequently I'm still feeling the effects of that  long tiring day, although Tam came and helped at lunchtime and although I wrapped things up, she and Keith carried it all out. Then at home we had to unload it all again and reload the car again with masses of boxes of "stuff" to go off to auction yesterday.  Tam's off home today so we will be missing her. We all just about managed to stay awake to see Game of Thrones last night - thrilling stuff!

As I write this, I have a live auction running in the background, but they are selling the flatware (cutlery to normal folk) and the items we are interested in aren't for a couple of hundred more lots.  I am going to try and start writing a letter to an old old friend of mine (we started off as penpals when I was 18 and she was 20) and then I fancy starting the beautiful Arts & Crafts X-Stitch I bought at Wightwick Manor.  It is a de Morgan tile design of beautiful blue flowers (cornflowers?)


  1. Sounds like you are in need of a rest x

    1. Too true JayCee - hoping a good night's sleep tonight might get me more balanced tomorrow.

  2. Until I read your post I didn't associate sleepless nights due to steroids, although I did wonder because the two were a bit coincidental for me. It takes a while to get back to 'normal' after a couple of nights without sleeping, doesn't it? Finished my steroids this morning and the antibiotics this afternoon so I am looking forward to catching up on my sleep. Enjoy your cross stitch.

    1. Hi Joan, sorry you have been on steroids and A/B's too. Hope they have gotten your health back to normal though. I am improving breathing-wise, it's just the rest of me which is in a heap!! The steroids always ruin my sleep patterns though this is the worst I've ever been on them with several periods of 36 hours without sleep in the past week. I'm stepping down off them now.

  3. You need a couple of weeks laying around somewhere warm! ( unlikely I reckon) but I hope you get a good night sleep tonight.

    1. Oh I wish Sue! Trouble is every lost day is a delay going back on the market and I am getting so stressed over it all.

  4. Steroids - I wake every hour during the night but nowadays I manage to just check the clock and then go back to sleep. I take it you take them with or just after breakfast? Hopefully you will soon be feeling better, but you do need to rest if possible.

  5. You really sound to be overdoing it at present - maybe a little holiday wouldn't come amiss.

    1. I wish Pat! Hopefully now I'm coming down off the steroids, sleep will return to me. Feeling better today and able to paint quietly, so am pleased with that.

  6. They affect us all in different ways I think Jill. Usually I either can't get off to sleep, or I wake about 2 or 3 a.m. and that's it for the night, but not this 36 hours without sleep business. It has dragged me right down. I ended up doing very little this afternoon and feel bad because I didn't even start on the letter or the x-stitch I had planned.

  7. Definitely sounds like you need a break! Rest up ASAP!!! Have a great day! Annster's Domain

    1. Thanks Annsterw - rested a little today and then was able to get some wee plants planted at lunchtime which pleased me no end, and have had ENERGY return this afternoon, so that has to be a positive thing.

  8. Thinking of when I will be playing two games of cricket a weekend

    1. Don't envy you that Simon - at least I can walk or stand at our Fairs and don't have to run up and down the wicket!!
