

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 29 May 2019

A walk up the hill

The wild flowers are coming into their summer garb now.  Foxgloves are tempting the bees.  Below - also a Foxglove but it has forgotten to grow upwards!

Black Bryony threading through a hedgerow.

Looking over the valley.

Meadowsweet about to bloom.

Woody Nightshade.

Red Campion.  I have now seen this for sale in Garden Centres, and called by its Latin name, Silene . . .

The tall flowers of Navalwort.

Up the top of the hill now, and a better view across the valley looking N-E.  On the left you can just about see the tractor at work in a field recently cut for silage.  I think he's muck-spreading.

Above and below: Buff Tail Bumble Beeshard a work on a pretty thistle.

A Heron near the pond in the opposite field.

Wild Aquilegia by our field gate.  We just have this palest pink flower - half a dozen plants (downfrom a high of 14 - they WILL persist in dragging too-wide farm machinery along the bank.

Ladies-in-waiting in our top field.

Sam being Lord of the Manor in the garden.

Three of the plants I bought at Malvern on Monday.  Veronica, Astrantia and Digiplexus.  The latter is now planted up in a tub the others I shall pop in the back border this morning.

Right, this won't do.  This post has taken me an hour to load photos and write and I need to Get On - I am in the Junk Room of Doom but doing well.  Photos later . . .


  1. do the junk room of doom in short bursts...
    those were lovely pictures, a breath of fresh air

  2. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. The Junk Room is taking a while as I can't crack on with it like I did even a year ago. This morning is floor polishing and deeming which stuff can go and live in the Poultry Shed.

  3. Great photos. You are way in front of us. We have white Campion just about to flower, cant see the red one, fear that the mad strimmer has killed it. It would be a weed to him, but then most things are.....

    1. I think spring travels at about a week a county or something doesn't it? I know Gloucestershire is always before us with trees and berries. Hope your red campion manages to survive.

  4. Gorgeous photos and what a wonderful walk. Good luck with the junk room :)

    1. Well, shall we say the junk room took a LOT of work but is nearly finished now. It's just a quick walk up our hill but has fabulous views.

  5. Enjoying your pictures. I love the scenery one and learning your different flowers. Had to chuckle when you referred to Sam as Lord of the Manor. We had a black cat named Miss Kitty for 18 wonderful years. Don't overdo the cleaning. Yesterday we had 30C and it was just too hot to do anything.

  6. Glad that you enjoyed the photos Judy, and the different wild flowers around here. Sam is a Big Cat and so he thinks he is The Boss!! It was warmer here today and I just have a small corner of the junk room to sort and oil the floor.
