

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 2 June 2019

Just about met myself coming the other way!!

One of my pink and yellow Aquilegias has put out different flowers on the same stem - love the ones with the "ra-ra"skirts!

Morning all.  Today is catch-up day. The forecast was bad so we cancelled the car boot sale we were going to do.  Instead I shall listen to the Archers Omnibus whilst I do all the ironing and sort the front hall out, then finish cleaning the house from top to bottom.  We are sorting out house agents next week, so watch this space.  There are still wee jobs to do and big jobs such as emptying the pony boxes as much as possible.  May suggest to Keith we do that today as it would be a job well done - there are endless mirrors out there we never needed in the first place - why Keith bought them is beyond me!  We still have three HUGE ones in the house I would get rid of but have to stay my hand . . .

Above and below - I didn't take a "before" picture, but believe me you could not see the floor for boxes.  Some of them are still here (the good stock) but car boot stuff is now in the Poultry Shed.  I had oiled the floor in these photos - that was a job and a half as every box/piece of furniture ended up being moved about 3 times!  Although we have done several culls of books, there are still more culls to be done, and a hardening of heart on my part especially.  I should part with most of my archaeology books, my antiquarian horse books and my Devon collection, but it will be hard . . .  especially as the antiquarian books I paid good money for, all of them, but selling them for anything like what I paid will be difficult.

Below: floor before oiling.  I'd just done a couple of planks close to the doorway.

A very laid-back Sam enjoying the sunshine last week.

I'd forgotten planting this poppy, and I'm glad it survived the winter.

Yesterday's weeding and digging over at the end of the veg plot.

Tamzin dug this over for me, bless her.  Took her three goes though.  Look at what grows, untrimmed, in the distance and you can see she had her work cut out as this was all grass as tall as the nettles and what have you in the background.  The paddock is also over 3 feet high and we are STILL WAITING for Next Door to come and cut it for us . . .

One of my lovely David Austin roses is now coming into bloom - Jacques Cartier.

Right, The Archers Omnibus and my ironing summon me . . .


  1. Thanks Jill. I can't wait to get to the daily maintenance stage.

  2. The place is coming along good and keeping you very busy. Love the beautiful David Austin rose photo. Does Sam look brown when the sun shines on him? Our Miss Kitty did and they said she probably had some burmese in her genes.

    1. I've got lots of them Judy - I had half a dozen in tubs, planning to take them with me, but then they needed to be in the ground to grow properly so I will have to leave them all behind. Sam has some brown - think it may be just a bit of age - he looks WAY too big for Burmese blood! Think he's part Elephant instead : )

  3. You have been working so hard and I wish you all the best with the estate agents and selling. I still haven't got over my last drastic book cull - keep remembering books I wish I hadn't parted with! Love the David Austin Rose - my son suggested recently we visit his nurseries which isn't that far from here although would involve the dreaded M6 journey!

    1. Thanks for that over the books RR - I really don't want to part with so many of them but Keith is saying they have to go. I think we need to find the new house first and then I will know how many I can fit in!!!
