

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 26 May 2019

Rude customers

Evening all.  Just about keeping awake after two back-to-back fairs.  I had some lovely customers today - my favourite being the lady whose family had all worked at Ewenny Pottery who bought a beautiful jug which is transpired had been made by her uncle and glazed by her dad.  I virtually halved the price as I wanted it to go home with her.

That made up for the woman who was rude about the price I was asking for a painted Art Deco lampshade (half of what they normally sell for as they're not easy to pack and carry around).  She put it down straight away and said, "Well, I'll keep on walking then" and stomped off!  The trouble is, there is so little knowledge about antiques and collectables these days, and people seem to think because they have a price they want to pay (e.g. car boot sale price), and I want closer to what something is actually worth (especially when I have bought it from auction so there is much less room to haggle!) I am in the wrong and know nothing!   Next time someone is rude to me I am going to say something . . .

Anyway, here are some scruffy photos of animals in the circus in the field next to the Fair today.  They were enjoying the sunshine and some huge haynets were nearby for night-time.

Mountain Zebra (appears to be from checking on line anyway.)

A Bactrian camel.

Reindeer in moult.  

It's the circus Mondao, a family-run circus apparently.

The animals looked well cared-for but I did think it was a shame there weren't more of each species so they could have a relationship with one of their own kind.  There were some ponies in stables under-cover - could just see a couple of Shetlands.

Anyway, time for a bath now and an early night I think.  Tam's home tomorrow for a few days, so that will be lovely.


  1. In Scotland Circus with animals are not allowed. I did think it was the same everywhere. Perhaps they were retired.

    1. I don't think there are many of them left Jill. There was one with an elephant (who had been part of a circus and away from others all her life and she was 50 or something) which came to town. She was used for people to have their photos taken beside her as well as little tricks in the ring. There was a case against the chap in the Daily Mail and this elephant finally ended up retiring to Longleat I believe.

  2. Agree about these animals - they even look lonely.

    1. They seemed quite happy, glad to have some fresh grass for grazing and the sun on their backs.

  3. Rude customers must be an occupational habit I guess for anyone selling anything nowadays!

    I also thought circuses didn't have animals anymore.

    1. Some are worse than others - this one was just a little stroppy! The worst was a man who grabbed a bronze dog statue from my stall (Keith was looking round elsewhere), asked me the age of it (I'd only bought it the day before and hadn't even LOOKED properly at it!) - I said I thought Edwardian, and he promptly ripped the green baize off the base, triumphantly pointed to a new screw and said "Hah - it was made yesterday" and shot off before I could say anything! You just don't DO things like that. Resident nutter, obviously!

  4. you get customers like that with new work as well...patience can run thin and the smile fixes.....
    However it is good when a piece obviously meets a person it should be with.
