

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 23 May 2019

What a Week!

Well, I don't know how I survived last week as it was one of those full-on working flat out weeks that turn up now and again.  I started tired, and ended up exhausted, but that's par for the course I guess.  Most of the jobs here on the house are now done - just one final deep-clean on the last few rooms and of course, there is always gardening to be done.  One of the tiring jobs was scrubbing the kitchen floor down in what was mum's flat - it's flagstones and even when scrubbed clean they still look grubby, so it was necessary to lightly oil them with Danish oil.  Then I got on to washing and polishing 3 wooden floors which had gotten dried-out and dull.  Now they are all gleaming and look so much better.  I have the downstairs bathroom floor, and hall floors to do now.

Yesterday I made the mistake of washing my hair first thing as in the afternoon I ended up remixing and repainting the limewash I could reach on the house wall overlooking the yard which really gets the weather.  I could only go up so far, but it's covered again now and I can't face going any higher with it (it needs scaffolding to do it all the way up).  Needless to say, my nice clean hair got well splashed with limewash . . .

Today is empty a stable/move boxes of stock from Junk Room day.   That should be fun . . .

At the weekend we had two back-to-back Fairs, which is always tiring.  Here are a few pictures from Sunday's Militaria Fair in Brecon.  Above - a house that was on the market recently and which we would have viewed, had we had an offer on ours.  It's now sold.

Next door is an ultra-modern house, set well above the road level and boasting a beautiful white Wisteria.

Finally - a few bikers visiting the town (they came round the Fair).

I have taken to sitting in the garden after tea.  It is so peaceful and I noticed that my pink and yellow Aquilegia (in a pot) has now decided to put out the can-can variety of flower on the same stem as the single flowers.  Isn't that pretty?

A view across the main pond - lovely irises with a perennial wallflower (Erysimum) behind it.  This has flowered through the winter too.

Yesteray morning we went down to Porthcawl to meet up with a Facebook friend (we used to be on a forum together too).    We've been trying to meet up for ages but the fates conspired against us.  Gail and her daughter and grandson are staying in a lovely holiday camp at Porthcawl, which is only about 45 minutes' drive from here, so we finally got to meet and had a lovely morning.

The last time I went to Porthcawl it was to a car boot sale up in the town and that was about 20 years ago!  

Right, now I need to go and vote and then get back to the Junk Room of Doom!!


  1. Tidying,sorting and cleaning takes an inordinate amount of energy...and one always feels that the time cold be better spent!!
    Lovely pics of Brecon..I used to do the market there with my pots once a month

  2. You're not kidding, especially in a house THIS size! I wanted to just be gardening or walking too! Or just RESTING . . . None of them were an option. We have a soft spot for Brecon - it was the Market Hall we were in on Sunday . . .

  3. Such a lot of hard work Jennie, but interspersed with some interesting things to do at Brecon. That house would not have been good for cats though.

  4. There was a long garden at the back (mostly lawn) with a tall wall around it so they would have been confined to the garden Thelma. I wouldn't consider anywhere that wasn't safe for them.

  5. Hope all this hard work pays off for you. Never been to Brecon so thanks for the photos - looks lovely.

    1. Brecon's a nice little town - v. quiet on a Sunday! I am hoping the hard work pays off too as I just can't do it any more. Last year I was doing 14 hour days - this year I simply CAN'T.

  6. Hope next week is a bit quieter or are there lots of things happening due to Bank Hol?

    1. One of the busiest weekends this year and my fuel tank is on empty before we start!

  7. That aquelegia is exquisite - the thingI love about them is the way they interbreed and you never know what will come next.

    1. I love my Acquilegias and this one is particularly pretty in that colourway. I bought a new red and yellow one at the car boot recently but it is covered in blackfly/eggs for some reason so it is away from the others just yet.
