

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 20 June 2019

Teetering on the brink . . .

I managed to put my back out again, when moving boxes at the Fair last weekend (well, probably moving them when I was in the Junk Room on Saturday, sorting out what to take to Sunday's fair.  I have had to take Ibuprofen, which I try to avoid because it can have an impact on my asthma, but the inflammation and pain deemed it necessary.  

Then yesterday morning I woke up with Sciatica and had to go for a walk to try and walk it off.  As the pollen levels are starting to rise, I haven't been walking as it means breathing more deeply, especially climbing up our steep hill.  I have been gardening though.  I went down by the river and it did help to stretch my legs.  Not sure if I dare do it today as pollen levels have gone up a notch and are High now.  Stupidly yesterday evening I decided to put the big pile of spent Geum (and non-flowering grass stems) I had cut from the border and left in a huge pile on the lawn, into the wheelbarrow.  I think it had a lot of pollen on it from the atmosphere, and I was quite poorly last night.  The Air Purifier helps though and I have had to reach for the Actifed again - just half a tablet when I really need it, but it does the trick.  It is this time of the year when the spectre of more Steroids looms - let's hope I can avoid them this year.

I can't identify this grass (I'm still checking my Wild Grasses book and online) but here it is again with a Ladybird!

Hurtling over the rocks, the water generates so much energy and I love to watch the spume that's thrown up.

Peaceful sidewaters . . .

Above and below: I think this is Hemlock Water Dropwort, growing in the wet ditch at the edge of the lane.

Common Vetch (also known as Poor Man's Peas, apparently).  

Looking up the river . . .

The agent is coming on Saturday to take photos, so we need to tidy up part of the yard in front of the barn.  

We have been trying to get hold of local companies to a) help with gardening - mowing the side lawn which used to be the paddock, and doing some strimming for us, and b) clean the guttering inside and out.  You would think they didn't want the work.  Getting a guttering man out here is not easy . . .  Hopefully the one we've just spoken to will turn up to give a quote next Tuesday - the one who for two weeks running was going to come out, never turned up.  You would think they wanted the work - or at any rate, the money!


  1. O dear Jennie you are in the wars. We are having someone cut the lawn because of Paul's illness but at this time of year all gardeners are well employed.

  2. June's always a bad month for my asthma and I am often on Steroids for several weeks (not good, especially as they stop me sleeping - I am lucky to sleep every other night). I know gardeners will be busy at this time of year but we have one coming out to check the job when it's wet and he's not working elsewhere, and have just found the card of another, so fingers crossed.

    Spending the last three months working solidly on house and garden have wrecked joints and muscles but at least I'm on top of all the jobs now. Keith can't do much either, as he's had problems with shoulder/arm injury for nearly 2 years now but has finally been persuaded to see the Chiro, which is helping a lot.

  3. Beautiful photos yet again.
    Commiserations with the asthma.
    The stress of everything will be tightening your back...which will make it more prone to "oops!"...been there, done that, I know it hurts xx

  4. I think you're right about the stress and my back - just discovered that A Certain Cat (Theo) who despite being neutered, has also been stressed with New Outside Cat arriving and has peed on the wall down to what was mum's flat - stopping to annoint the wall on every step. Went to touch the wall up - and guess what, WRONG green paint, so now I have to paint the entire wall WHITE!

  5. Backs and gardening just don't go together - I suffer the same although now that old age has caught up with me I have a gardener and he is very trustworthy - always turns up when the lawn wants mowing or the beds want weeding.
