

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 20 June 2019

Wearier than a weary thing

One of the first tentative blooms on Raubritter.

Today didn't go as planned.  First of all after I woke at 4 a.m. for the loo, I couldn't get back to sleep again, so at half past 4 I got up, came downstairs and started work on making a curtain to go under the draining board down in what was mum's kitchen. The old one had been temporary and was very shabby.  I can hide a box of books behind this now!  Having ironed the hems top and bottom and pinned them, I crept upstairs into my sewing room and shut the door, as I didn't want to wake Keith.  The curtain was soon made and looks really pretty, plus it lightens a dark corner.

The slate sink which came from the Dairy room next door was utilised as a draining board.  Sadly the idiots doing the work on this house at the time managed to break the other two . . .  It was a Council Grant, hence we didn't get to chose the builders . . .  The big Belfast sink and stand came from an architectural salvage place that used to be down in Haverfordwest (with a lot more stuff back at the old house he lived in.)  We have lots of memories of going on foraging expeditions there, for stuff we needed for the house.  We never know that yellow terracotta floor tiles were hard to come by until we needed some to mend the hall floor . . .

Here is the wall I painted this afternoon.  This was NOT on the plans.  It had been pale green.  I touched up a couple of flaked spots with - I thought - the same green.  It wasn't and a search revealed none in the shed either. So it had to be white instead - Earthborne clay paint as it's a breathing wall (backs on to the clay and slate bedrock) - and it was like painting with Treacle - it's a thick paint anyway, and the paint which was already on there quickly sucked the moisture out, plus the wall was slightly rough so I had to keep going over and then needed a torch to see which bits I had missed.  That took all afternoon in between dashing up to watch individual races at the Ascot meeting.

Last week I had to repaint the panels the other side in green Earthborne clay paint because I thought that was what I had used before, but no - one panel in I realized I had made an Error!  It went on darker and dried darker . . .  So I had to paint all the panels.  Neither of these jobs was on the cards!  Nor was oiling all the tiles and slate floors, which I also did recently.  

Anyway, I also managed some sweeping in the yard (more to do tomorrow) and a tiny bit of weeding, but I made sure I didn't go outside without a mask on, and when I had finished I came in and changed my clothes for non-pollened ones, and washed my hair.  That's the way in the summer - hair-washing every day, change clothes on coming inside after working or being out, all clothes, towels and bedding to be dried inside.  No sitting out enjoying the sunshine (which is just about to arrive I understand).  I am really trying to avoid having to go on steroids this summer, so fingers crossed.

10 days of rain has rather spoiled the roses, but you can see the changing colours of Vielchenblau.  The palest one just about to go over.  Such a sweet little flower and lots of blooms to come.

Right, I think I deserve to lay in the bath with a good book now . . .


  1. Don't know how you manage to do it.

    1. Well, I'm not so tired at the moment so can cope. My right elbow disagrees with this statement this morning though!

  2. I'd love to see Vielchenblau without the rain damage!
    Salvage that WAS in Haverfordwest...oh dear..I used to spend hours in there!!

    1. I think it was Giles Chapman wasn't it? He retired some years back - a shame as we used to love going to the house and seeing what he had stashed away in the outbuildings. I noticed - earlier this year? - that the three "outbuildings" I remember had been lived in and were on the market (eldest daughter was interested in one). Will take Vielchenblau when she's just unfurled.

  3. Replies
    1. Well, in the end, it was quite late by the time I got my bath, so the book was abandoned! The reward was another episode of The Last Kingdom which we are watching again. Brilliant series.

  4. I've had that experience. I have three cans of white-ish paint in the basement marked 'not the bathroom.'

    1. Hah - at least you know what NOT to use! We are chucking most of our old paint now as the yellow I did a small wall in yesterday had to be re-mixed and is very watery now.

  5. Isn't that the way it always happens. You start a small job that turns into a huge one.
    Love the sinks, to bad the labor were so incompetent Hope you reported them, no use spending money on workers who get by instead of working better.
    Adore the first flower. I don't know what the second flower is

    1. No job here has EVER been small parsnip!! Even hanging a picture! The builders that did the Grant work just didn't care about old houses, and complaining wouldn't have made a jot of difference. The Council were paying for the work anyway.

      The flowers are both different sorts of roses.

  6. You must be ready for the photographer now, the house will look brilliant

    1. You'd think so wouldn't you Sue? BUT today I have had to reclean windows and paintwork, I need to vacuum from top to bottom and we found yet more stuff to go to the Tip, which has swallowed up half the morning! I am a perfectionist at heart so even the tiniest weed has my fingers twitching. That said, I am happy for bigger weeds to hide amongst the perennials in the borders . . .

  7. Love the curtain and the sinks. We had fun going to a salvage yard for things to go in the previous house we lived in. So sorry for your hayfever troubles.

    1. Glad you like them Lou. Salvage yards are wonderful hunting grounds, but NEVER cheap!! I am glad the hayfever season is reasonably short . . .

  8. I groaned inwardly reading about the mismatched paint. We used several'custom mixes' downstairs to use up remnants of rather pricey paint. Jim went on to another large room before I had time to save out paint for touch-up, so there we are.
