

Jennie's recipes

Monday 1 July 2019

I told you I was ill!!

Iscoed Mansion above Ferryside.  You can buy this for offers around £400,000 . . . then spend a million on it in restoration costs . . .  (Had a dozo moment yesterday from lack of sleep - just two hours the previous night - and called this Picton Castle, as the Napoleonic General Sir Thomas Picton bought it in 1812, as an incomplete shell (built in 1772).  He unfortunately was killed in battle in 1815 and the house has had mixed fortunes ever since.  It has been ruinous since WWII.  Many thanks to the veg artist for the heads up on my error.

As I suspected, I ended up quite ill yesterday evening/night.  I had to take my inhaler early and no really obvious benefit from it although my peak flow was still goodish.   But my lungs felt like they were being strangled and were sore internally (pollen inflammation of course).  I went to bed, but knew I wouldn't sleep and I was still awake at midnight so I came downstairs and took first the capsules which line your stomach in advance of the steroids.  I had to wait half an hour to eat, and then I had a bowl of dry cereal and then 8 Prednisolone and after a couple of hours I was feeling easier and came back to bed, but it was still a while before I got to sleep.

This morning I felt tired of course, and breathing still compromised - I was so cross at having to take the steroids as only 3 days ago I had an improved and BEST EVER (for MANY years anyway) peak flow of 550, which I put down to my low histamine diet and being careful not to go outside too much.  I guess that selling at one boot sale and buying (early) at another meant that I got a double whammy of pollen two days running and my histamine "bucket" overfilled.

I watched some tv programmes I'd recorded and sewed some of the hexagons from the car boot quilt, then Keith and I went down to Llansteffan for some sea air.  The tide was way out.  

 I couldn't work out if the golden strip was a spit of yellow sand or the sunlight on shallow water.  Pretty anyway.

Slightly blurry photo looking towards the very very end of Pendine beach.

Bright Blue Jellyfish (porpita porpita) - there were lots of them on the beach, but not as many as Saturday when Tam was down there - she said there were masses then, but I guess the tide has recycled a few.  

Wind-combed bushes - too high up to identify.

Navelwort flowers high up on the cliffs.

Wanna-be cave.

Clouds were gathering but no rain.  Pembrey is the flat dark humpy line mid photo and you can just make out the Rhosilli Downs behind them.  Hills beyond Ferryside to the mid left.

A wee rock pool with just a dead crab for company.

Finally a rockin Robin!!

Health update, Wednesday lunchtime.  Firing on all cylinders again now (SO much energy I could climb Pen y Fan!!)  My breathing is free again now and my peak flow is back to that magical high of 550 - which it hit for the first time in memory last Friday. I am starting with trying Kefir now, to balance my gut flora, as there are several vital ones which are totally absent from being on anti-biotics for 3 years to treat recurrant chest infections (stupid GP didn't bother to test sputum to see which infection it was).  I am hoping that when the imbalances are sorted out, my "leaky gut" will be too, and histamines will be more controlled.  We shall see.


  1. Not Picton Castle, that's near Haverfordwest and nothing to do with Sir Thomas Picton as far as I know. I think the rather draughty building you saw is Iscoed Mansion, which Picton did own. Picton Castle is worth a visit, house and garden, but perhaps not until the pollen count is down!

    1. You are absolutely right - I was thinking of Picton Terrace. Having only had 2 hours' sleep the previous night the brain was not in residence!! Will go and alter it now. I've only lived here 31 years - you think some facts would stick better than that . . . Will visit Picton Castle post-pollen, thanks for the heads up.

    2. There are lots of 'Picton' uses around in West Wales. Whether they are all connected, or pre-date him I don't know. I was in 'Picton House' in school in the 70's. Husband, who reads about such things, tells me that he was a far from nice man!

  2. Hope you are feeling better by now. My DIL has pollen allergies and it makes life so miserable this time of the year doesn't it?

    1. The steroids have kicked in overnight and I have been able to go beyond the 12 hour top up with my inhaler (despite getting up just after 5). It was easier by far when I just got the runny nose.

  3. Do hope you are feeling better soon.x

    1. Mending now my dear. Are you still interested in the old-style fabric - I can provide photos now.

  4. You live in a fabulous area Jennie, there was an art exhibition at Picton some years back of single menhirs, can't remember the artist's name. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. We are so fortunate Thelma. Surrounded by thousands of years of history and the most sensational scenery and beaches. Must get down to Picton Castle - I really can't believe we've lived here this long and never been to it!

      On the mend now, I am relieved to say.

  5. Antibiotics, while life-savers, create such internal havoc. Keffir is good--as is a daily helping of yogurt. I'm glad this has been a relatively short bout of breathing difficulties.
    Those of us who are perpetually sleep deprived do sometimes bumble about. The wonder is that we continue to function most of the time in a manner that passes for 'normal!'

    1. No a/b's needed, but the dreaded Steroids! Hoping I can get away with just taking them for 5 days as my peakflow has recovered so quickly and is so high (higher than normal). On a wonderful steroid high today - full of energy - which probably means I shall be awake all night. Yesterday I was definitely bumbling - today I feel I could climb a mountain!

      I have to be careful with the Kefir and Live Yoghurt as that recent gut microbiome test showed me to be totally without the little probiotic buddies which allow me to assimulate it. So it's just a couple of spoonfuls to start with and I'm already on the probiotics which CAN deal with it, only they don't linger. You have to have the Kefir regularly to recolonize the gut.

    2. Sorry, of course the 3 years of a/b's several years back now which wrought havoc. Thank God I specifically decided to bypass the rotten GP and see the Locum instead, who was onto it straight away! Then a brilliant Respitatory Nurse after being screamed at by a Consultant because I had had the temerity to have taken (or asked for) antibiotics! Um, I think the GP was to blame - not me.
