

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Some good bargains and an afternoon spent baking

I needed to do some baking yesterday and got on quite a roll.  I fancied making these Cattern Cakes - very apt as I am descended from generations of Northamptonshire Lace Makers.  I had one whilst still warm to sample them and they are DELICIOUS.  I shall be taking them along to my Patchwork class this afternoon, though I will have to take something simple sewing-wise to work on as I only got 2 hours sleep last night due to the steroids.

This recipe is from the same little book which cost me just 25p on Saturday (in fact, there were 4 in this same series for £1 and I bought them all).  I have a few others from the same "stable".  I love old recipes, nice and simple and NAMED - not just a title which is a list of ingredients.

All Keith's favourite ingredients, so he will enjoy this.

This is a low GI recipe from Anthony Worrall-Thompson's Low GI Diet book.  I made it recently and it is moist and moreish. This time I left the walnuts out so I can offer it to a friend who can't eat nuts.  Sorry, no photo as it's in the freezer for the next Fair.

I certainly struck lucky with THIS at the car boot sale on Saturday.  I like nice bedding, and when we were given some money at Christmas to buy a gift, we were debating whether to buy this or the black floral one which we chose.  Anyway, this was on offer, still in the wrapping, for £20.  I got it for £15.  It's extra king, and we have a king size duvet, but just a bit of overlap and at least we won't have to fight to get it in the corners!  The bit that hurt was spending the full amount for the matching pair of pillowcases, but I still worked out that I had saved £75 on the set.  (The price was the main reason why we didn't buy it in the first place!)

Here it is on the bed, looking splendid.

Final bargain was finding these two books, brand new and unread, on the Tesco charity table yesterday, so for a donation they came home with me.  The Elly Griffiths is one of hers I'd not read and the other one is a really good read (nice and lightweight for my sleep-addled brain).

I have been resting and doing lots of patchwork hexi sewing so will show you the progress later this week.  Meanwhile, prepare yourself for an epic post about Carmarthen history - I visited St Peter's Church yesterday and took lots of photos, especially of Sir Rhys ap Thomas' tomb (he who did for Richard III at Bosworth .. .)


  1. Very luxurious bedding!

    I had several of those little books once

  2. Well, it will have to see us out so I will get my money's worth! Some of the duvet sets we've had many years now are on their last legs and this as a bargain - till I had to buy the matching pillowcases!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Pat. That's being saved For Best (e.g. any viewings!!)

  4. Bed looks ace. We too have lots of the little books.

    1. I have looked out for those little books for most part of half a century I think!

  5. The bed looks fabulous ! so regal.

    1. Doesn't it?! Regal indeed - getting THAT headboard into a new house may pose some problems - it was a very tight fit even on our wide generous stairway.

  6. Thanks for the recipes! I also like the old basic recipes. Lovely bedding for a good bargain. Look forward to reading the history post. Take Care! Judy

    1. Hi Judy. Glad you like the bedding and the recipes. The Orange & Cranberry "bread"got a bit overcooked so Keith is eating it as a pudding with some stewed rhubarb and ginger.

  7. I hope you are feeling a little better. The Cattern Cakes look delicious - I am going to check if I have the book (I have some of that series!!) and if not will write it down even though there are still too many diets going on in and I can't bake :(
