

Jennie's recipes

Friday 22 November 2019

A day out

Yup - yesterday we were over this way again - Hay Bluff in the distance.  We had to go to Hay (to chat to the agent handling the sale of the house we like), and to view a house a bit further over.  If I am honest, it felt much too far over, but hey ho, we needed to check it out as it offered what we needed.

We had lunch in Hay (nothing fancy, but tasty, well cooked and sensibly priced), chatted to a few friends and I had a lovely serendipitous conversation with a young man selling fruit and vegetables on the market and we were getting very excited over Heritage Apples!  I bought some Ashmead's Kernel apples from him and they are DIVINE.  This is one (along with Pitmaston Pineapple) that I am definitely going to plant when we move . . .  Not that I will live to see that much of a harvest but someone will benefit.

However, despite its age, character, size and brilliant outbuildings, the house was absolutely hemmed in by other properties which impinged on the privacy considerably.  Work needed doing to upgrade it too (as in central heating would be nice!) and the price was set in stone, so it's off the possibles list.

It was a late viewing and darkness fell as we were driving back  and then it began to rain, so all in all we were very glad to get home, and not be blinded by other people's headlights.

I didn't sleep well - I was too hot and my mind was busy from all the driving, and the day's events, and because we are still waiting to hear whether we might be included in the list for a 2nd viewing from the people who viewed on Sunday.

Tam's stuff is still strewn through the house and I am not allowed to put it away as she won't know where things are then.

The mahogany wardrobe which had to leave her bedroom to make room for her hanging clothes rail, is going to have to be broken up because the door from it (which ended up in a stable - don't ask why!) is damaged where the hanging pin is and so no good now.  Still, we have found a new home for the single bed we need to get rid of, and will phone the British Heart Foundation shop to come and collect the other wardrobe we no longer need.    That will be progress.  I have also put another 25 books in a box to go to charity.

Tam is pushing me to get rid of "most" of my books but then she isn't attached to them as I am.  Many cost good money (even second hand) and they form parts of several different collections which I have put together over a lifetime.  She doesn't know what a big ask it is to just ditch them - my treasured old friends.  I will try and get rid of as many books I can bear to part with, 'onest Injun. . .


  1. Ah, but it is all happening in the most beautiful setting.

    1. Indeed it did Tom. 'twas a nice outing, in retrospect.

  2. Hope the people do a second view and it goes well.
    I'm putting books to go the charity shop too, clearing bit by bit

    1. Novels I can clear - and they are easily found again should I feel the need. It's my hundreds of Collectable books that will take some housing. Plus - they cost good money!

  3. I do hope the house selling and buying gets sorted. Been there and I know the stress it

    1. It's not helped my sleep patterns recently. I feel even more in limbo at present.

  4. I find it's easier to get rid of other people's things than your own.. keep what you want! It's ironic that you aren't allowed to touch HER things!

    1. When there's no emotional attachment, I can get rid of things. (My husband's books, for example!!) Tam's feeling a bit fragile at the moment, having just broken up with her partner. I just need to have a day where we get everything sorted out - before the next viewing!!

  5. Fingers crossed. I have found that getting rid of books is not a good thing. They will flit around in your memory for years to come and I have often bought them a second time because I missed them so much.

    1. Thank you for that Thelma. I have a feeling I would be doing the same thing!

  6. House shopping, what a wonderful pursuit! Wishing you good luck in finding just the right place. Have you heard of the Little Free Library concept? We have many of them in the states. I "planted" one at a local community farm owned by our Town and although I keep my favorite reads, I often donate the books I've read to it when finished reading them.

    1. House shopping is fine but when the people who seem to fall in love with yours don't follow through, it's heartbreaking. We have had to harden our hearts, though that said, we would still feel a pang if we cant buy the property we have recently fallen for. I haven't heard of the Little Free Library concept, but I always donate the books I've got and read from the charity table at the supermarket.

  7. I have just bought two new settees and BHF were marvellous at collecting my two old ones.

    1. We phoned the BHF today and they are collecting from us early in December. I shall see if there is anything else which Needs To Go!

  8. I had the same problem when Harvey told me that I needed to lose some of my books as well. I cried as I went through my trusted friends. I did actually get to keep three totes more than what he first stated I could keep.

    Shhh, don't tell anyone but I have slowly been adding to them once again.

    God bless.

    1. Whilst I know that I need to heavily cull my books,I really cannot shed many of my Collections - antiquarian horse books, books about the West Country and Devon and ones by specific authors. It would break my heart as they are old friends.

      P.S. I shan't tell anyone you are restoring your collection!!

  9. I do hope you get a second viewing. I still regret letting some books go from a major cull a few years ago. Throwing again books that you treasure is really really difficult. OH is on again about me getting rid of more and to stop buying them!!! But I just can't ditch any more. I do now buy all fiction on my kindle to save bookshelf space! but non fiction, nature writing and reference I still buy and prefer "proper" books!

    1. It would seem that I am not the only one with a mild addiction! My daughter doesn't realize how hard some of these books came, when money was tight. I have a few books on my kindle but prefer "proper" books!
