

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Wednesday - in which I leave my brain on the pillow

Tam and I went into Llandeilo this morning, to take umpteen bags of "stuff" to the Green Charity Shop.  Tam said she had a feeling it shut on a Wednesday, and she was right.  Anyway, we had a wander round the Charity shops, and went to the lovely kitchen shop, Peppercorn.  I pounced on some dried Habanero chillis which I wanted for a preserves recipe I had copied down from a cookery programme on tv last Saturday morning.  Then I couldn't resist a set of ever-decreasing star cookie cutters - they were only £6.35 so didn't break the bank and will certainly see me out!

We also went into the lovely shop Cloth, Paper, Stitch which specialises in selling (or repurposing) old and vintage craft materials and selling some new ones too.  Do go to the link above, as it shows you what a lovely shop it is.  I bought a skein of 1950s red heavy embroidery floss - just the colour for Christmas crafting.  We fell into conversation with the owner, admiring some little hand-made and embroidered cottages and trees she had made. (Photos of them on the link I put above).  I mentioned I had some craft things to go to the charity shop, but it was shut, and she said she would be delighted to have them and could even give me a little something towards them, but I said that as I had been happy to give them to the Charity shop,  I would give them to her and be even happier.  She was delighted with the four bagfulls I had sorted out that morning (I emptied an entire BIG painted tin trunk of wool and craft bits and the other bags for the charity shop were full of old curtains, home-made bed throws etc and emptied another coffer and will be handed over tomorrow.)  She gave me a loyalty card to spend at the shop with a £5 spend on it, bless her.

This afternoon was my Patchwork class, and it was lovely to meet up with my friends there again.  My brain was just NOT tuned in though (I reckon it was left on my pillow this morning) and everything I sewed I did wrong, and even when I was unpicking at the end, I unpicked the wrong blooming bit!  Yeesh - I need to work on that at home I think.

The squirrel photos were taken at the beginning of the month when this chap (a regular in the yard and the trees nearby) thought he would check out the top of the cart shed . . .


  1. Sounds like a good day to me. And much better than mine!

    1. It was one of those serendipitous days Jill. Hope you get one soon.

  2. A good day which turned out better...apart from the sewing!!

    1. I had a feeling before I went, that the sewing would go badly as my brain just wanted to go to sleep!

  3. I've been into that lovely kitchen shop - on my birthday a few years ago! Some people have little restraint in such places!!!

    1. It ain't cheap, that much is certain, and the price on the Le Creuset was eye-watering! I could easily spend a fortune, but this problem was solved by my not having a fortune to spend!!

  4. It sounds as if you had a lovely day. The squirrel certainly is an inquisitive fellow.

    God bless.

  5. Always good to give things a second life and avoid buying new. And it prevents stuff from filling up the landfill too.
