

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 15 January 2020

A lovely day out

It was chucking it down with rain again yesterday, but despite this Tam and I decided to take advantage of her two for one offers on cinema tickets and food, and braved the elements to go and see "Little Women" which I have seen in several incarnations film-wise down the years.  This was the best yet and I can heartily recommend it.

My cold hasn't gone away yet, and I still have to keep blowing my nose - I sat at the back, honking like a tugboat now and again and trying not to cry in parts made it worse - how can you NOT cry when Beth dies? - as the tears took revenge and came down my nose instead!  I felt like Typhoid Mary and when the film was ended and the lady in front of us got up, I said loudly to Tam, "I am so fed up with this cold - I've had it 3 weeks now" so she knew I wasn't still infectious!

We are already planning to go and see "Emma" and "David Copperfield" when they are on release.  

Then we went the 20 yds or so from the cinema to Pizza Express where we had pizza and a glass of Pino Grigio and brought back big chunks of pizza in a box, which were lunch today.  This meal was half price too . . .  It was a lovely day out.

My cold is still plaguing me - I shall be glad when I see the back of it, as it has brought dizziness on occasion too - generally when I am lieing down in bed, but sometimes just moving around in the day.

We have some outside work to do too, as we had some trees felled last Friday and need to clear the brash with a bonfire and log the trunks.  Hopefully we will have some more sunshine like we had today.  One had a pronounced lean on it, all had Ash die-back and they were just by the stables, so not a good place to fall naturally.


  1. I think we got off very lightly wind wise here nearer to the East coast.

  2. I thought about going to see Little Women but it sounds too sad - I hate crying.
    Hope your cold goes soon

    1. It's only really sad when Beth dies - I am just an emotional person so it doesn't take much to set me off!

  3. Glad you missed much of it Pat.

  4. A lovely treat!

    That dratted Ash die-back, it doesn't get mentioned much these days, but it is steadily encroaching. Two more of our Ash trees in Owl Wood must be culled soon, same problem.

    I will be posting a package (of some decent lengths of silk) for either you or your patchwork group, later today...not to clutter you up, but they are far too good to just drop off at the charity shop.

    ps Don't work yourself into the ground with all that clearing up.

    1. About 80% of the trees in our valley our Ash, and it is the same across the county. When they are all taken out the place will look bare. There are little bit of orange tape on trees all along the A40 (and lesser roads) so it looks like the Council will have a cull.

      Package arrived safely and one of old cookery books will be posted tomorrow.

      Won't be overdoing things, don't worry.

  5. I am sorry your cold is still causing you problems.

    God bless.

    1. I just hope it isn't a relative of the one that lasted TWO months last winter!
