

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 19 January 2020

Fighting Back!

Well, this immune system of mine seems to have taken a real beating with this cold, so I am finally fighting back with some home made Elderberry Syrup. I've had two lots today and that DID make a difference - if only stopping my runny nose for a bit and making me feel a bit brighter. I had a stroll up to our field gate and back (which believe me isn't far) but it was still very cold out and that effects my breathing, so I didn't want to push my luck.

I have watched an excellent programme about Henry VIII's first two wives which we recorded last night, and done a little of the stitching on my patchwork border for the W.I.P. quilt.  This was whilst I was Covered In Cats - who know they are onto a good thing when you are poorly!

I made Minestrone soup first thing - and made the mistake of putting a handful of Orzo in (pasta shaped like rice grains).  My goodness, I should have remembered that a little goes a long way and had to frantically add more water as the soup became nearly as thick as mortar!!  Anyway, it had cooking bacon in and was really tasty and it made me feel better just to have a bowl of that.

Peak flow about 475, which is respectable.  I am hoping I can sleep a bit better tonight as I have had nearly a month of very poor sleeping which doesn't help the immune system.

Right, off to watch tv for a couple of hours then an early night.  I am hoping the cold snap will kill a few germs in the neighbourhood.  It was much lighter late afternoon because of the clear skies too, so light till nearly 5 p.m.  Roll on spring - the birds have been singing in the mornings, which sounds SO good.  Onwards and upwards.


  1. I sure hope you're feeling better soon. As a sufferer of Fibromyalgia for years now, sleep doesn't come easy. You're so right about the importance of it. We just finished watching the series The Tutors - The story of Henry VIII and his wives is quite something as was their "court" social system. Ann Boleyn's story remarkable and of course tragic.

    1. I've had two good nights' sleep now,which has made a difference. We watch anything historical or archaeaological, but I do like the Tudors. Sorry to hear you suffer from Fibro - I have a few friends who are fellow sufferers, and one in particular is on massive amounts of painkillers.

  2. You do seem to be under the weather a fair deal. You've mentioned the pollen, but are you allergic to anything else? I'm a poor sleeper too - it's so annoying. Lighter ends to the days are good though.

    1. Pollen, hay, straw, dust, some dog dander, ditto cats, dust mites (worse thing). I've enjoyed the brighter weather but NOT the cold. The older I get, the less I can cope with cold.

    2. That sounds horrendous. Dust seems to be everywhere in my house, how on earth to you keep it down?

  3. I do hope you feel better very soon. Good for you.

    God bless.

    1. I'm a bit brighter today thanks Jackie. Will be glad to see the back of this (and winter!)

  4. Do hope you start to feel more like yourself soon.x

    1. Thanks Lou - the worst thing is I'm not bedridden with it, but neither do I have a jot of energy or interest in anything much other than sitting quietly with a book. I managed to walk further up the hill this afternoon though, so that'd a positive.

  5. I too have made the 'orzo error' in the past and had to serve it as a casserole rather than a soup!

    1. Hah -you could stick the spoon up in it! A bowlful kept me going all afternoon though . . .
