

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 2 January 2020

Back to Reality

Afternoon all. I slept so badly last night and am feeling bejeebered now! My nose was all bunged up and then I was thirsty, but my water stein was empty and I couldn't face going all the way downstairs to fill it up (don't trust cold water upstairs for drinking as held in tank in attic which isn't sealed. OK for washing in but that's all). At 5.40 a.m. I thought Sod It and got up and came downstairs, read a bit of my book "Tombland" by C J Samson, then did ALL the ironing (big bedding too).

Then I had to deal with the kitchen floor - it had needed a clean anyway but I came down to a scene of carnage with a nearly-decapitated rat on the floor. I carefully scooped that up on cardboard and left it outside for Keith to deal with. So I mopped the floor, and would you believe, when I turned Radio 4 on it was a programme about rat eradication!!

Then I made a start on the oven. I had wanted to clean that totally before Christmas but ended up running out of time and so just did the shelves and tray. Last night we had a roast - a piece of Aberdeen Angus beef from Aldi (I don't normally buy meat there, but it was Tam's treat). It was full of water (and gristle) and blew the door open at one point - imagine fat sprayed everywhere too. I had my air purifier on in the sitting room as the log burner was lit, but it started to give higher readings. I went out to check on the spuds, opened the door and was nearly overwhelmed with black smoke. We had to open doors and windows and when Tam took the air purifier out there it read 795! 8 - 10 is good . . . I beat a hasty retreat and have vowed never to buy supermarket meat again for a roast.  Aldi have now received a Complaint about poor quality!

Since that burst of energy I have been feeling tired, so have been doing some x-stitch - a little William de Morgan tile design which I bought when we were at Wightwick Manor on my birthday. Now I'm feeling guilty as there is still work to be done but I can't garden as it is raining, nor can I walk for the same reason.  Right, back to work now.


  1. I bought a tin of corned beef from Aldi a couple of years ago so that I could make a corned beef hash. It was vile! Full of gristle and chewy bits. I wrote a letter of complaint but had zero response. I hope you fare better. No excuse for poor quality. Not wild about their fruit and veg, either, to be honest.

    1. Tam does all her shopping there, but we buy most of our stuff at Lidl, with the things we can't get there at Tesco. Only a few things come from Aldi tbh. This joint was very gristly but this was hidden by the mesh net around it . . . Roasts in future will come from Dewi, the really good butcher at Llandeilo in future. We had some Salt Marsh Lamb from him at Christmas (£15) and it was divine.

  2. Not a good day. Better to come.

    1. I'll be better after a good night's sleep tonight, though I surprised myself with how much I got done first thing. Haven't needed to sleep today either, which surprised me. My head has just been blown off by the Szechuan stir-fry sauce Tam gave me for Christmas - it was a tasty meal but even the half a cucumber hasn't calmed the fire down yet!!

  3. My mop and iron will not function at that time in the morning!

    1. That did make me laugh! I sometimes only iron to keep warm, first thing!

  4. I've had a run of nearly sleepless nights--unfortunately I don't creak out of bed and make use of the night hours. I did wash windows yesterday, taking advantage of the sunshine.

    1. I reach for the Vitamin B when I can't sleep. They help you unwind, and also get back to sleep if you wake in the night. I hope you get back into a better routine again soon.

      Windows - nah, not until the next viewing!

  5. I love the cross stitch.

    God bless.

    1. Me too. Ages since I did any so it is a real pleasure.
