

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 5 January 2020

Tottering by gently

Morning all.  I am typing this to a backdrop of someone busy with a chainsaw across by the farm, so I am assuming an old tree may have come down in the night.  It is another grey damp day.  I was only saying yesterday, oh for one hot summer's day to be slipped into the mix to cheer us all up!

The "tottering" in the title is sadly only too apt at the moment, as the "bit of a cold" I came down with a week ago, is still manifesting itself and I have no energy, and it's now affecting my balance.  I am OK in the day, but when I first lay down in bed the whole world spins giddily for a moment, and when I get up for the loo in the night, I can't walk straight and am staggering across the room.  I nearly fell over the other night as just having laid my head on the pillow, Tam yelled "cat fight" - she's nearer the kitchen, where the cats are overnight, and could hear ructions.  I - stupidly - leapt out of bed and then zig-zagged across the room with my head whirling.  No damage done downstairs, just big black Sam surprising them all by bursting in through the cat flap.  I shall be glad when I am done and dusted with this cold.

I have sat down far more than is good for a body (I am normally VERY active and only sit down for my afternoon cuppa and in the evening) and watched a lot of telly (some of it good documentaries, some just entertaining), made good progress with my  William de Morgan x-stitch picture (which I am enjoying so much) and am over half way through C J Samson's hefty tome "Tombland).

Yesterday I submitted my accounts (with help from Tam).  Boy, was I glad to get THOSE out of the way - I have a horror of anything to do with a) figures and b) the Powers That Be.

Today - a little ironing, whilst I listen to the Archers Omnibus, and some pootling in the garden to get it tidied up before the viewings start again.  Tam and I went into the once-Wyevale-but-now-a-sensibly-priced-garden-centre in town and were amazed at the MUCH LOWER prices.  We bought two wreaths for £1 each for the bases for next year and I got a load of bargain bulbs.  Yes, they are late going in (e.g. today!) but they will still flower.

Right, this won't do.  I've sat long enough.  


  1. Hope you get better, miserable being ill in winter, the advantage though is settees and handiwork and of course log fires. Pretty cross stitch, I am just dyeing some wool that darker blue colour, it will go nicely with the turquoise wool I have ordered.

    1. It could be worse - I am a bit germophobic at the moment as I worry about getting Flu as that would have a very bad effect on my asthma. Have fun dyeing.

  2. I am now a Social Pariah as it looks like I may have passed this cold on to Tam and Keith . . . Just as well I am mending, as they have been looking after me, so now it's my turn. What dyestuff are you using for your wool? What will you do with it and the turquoise wool - ply them together? I haven't touched my spinning wheel in along time - I get distracted by everything that needs to be done in a house this size.

    1. I used Jaquard's acid dye, and they are for a crocheted blanket, which needs at least 9 colours. I did think of natural dyes but needed a darkish red, not something easily found amongst the plants.

  3. Sorry about your cold - so generous of you to pass it on, but Tottering by Gently? Do you sleep with a lab in your bed as well? Do you have 'wine-o'clock' in your house?
    One Christmas I was given one of the compilation books - brilliant. Always makes me laugh.

    1. I've only heard of the Tottering By Gently books, not seen any, so no Lab in the bed, but we do have "wine-o'clock" sometimes!

  4. Hope your cold gets better and that you get some warm weather instead of the damp.

    God bless.

    1. Any warm weather welcome but not likely to get the temps I'd like just yet!

  5. Vertigo is a horrible experience. I've had that 'whirling room' problem intermittently for a number of years and it is always frightening. Never sure why it happens or why it goes away. Something to do with getting my neck in a kink [maybe] or related to the chronic ringing in my ears. At its worst a few years ago at the farmhouse I tilted my head back while reaching for something on a pantry shelf above my head; in the next moment I was picking myself off the floor!
    I hope a few days rest and curing the head cold will put you right.

    1. I only seem to get it in connection with a cold. Yours sounds horrid as just movement can bring it on. I will attempt a short walk tomorrow and see if that clears my head a bit.

  6. Yes BB - since Christmas I find it pretty fatal to sit down as getting up again and getting going is really hard.

  7. I'm a bit more getting-going today but nose is bunged up again from sitting in a warm room. Fresh air is best.
