

Jennie's recipes

Friday 10 January 2020

No flies on me!

Oh the joys of country living.  We have another viewing tomorrow, so it has - as usual - been all systems go to try and get everything shipshape and Bristol fashion.  The house has conspired against us in various ways to come across as unattractive to buyers, so we have had our work cut out - removing cluster flies from the attic being one problem from sunny weather on and off this week - I stood on a stepladder to open the highest Velux roof window and was promptly covered in flies - most of them dead.   Tam had to vacuum them off of my clothing and hair.  YUK!  I will still have to go up there and vacuum more up as near as I dare to the actual viewing . . .  You know that bit in Escape to the Chateau where Angel says "Living in a Chateau isn't all romantic . . ." as she sweeps up a huge pile of cluster flies.  Yup, I'm with her on that one!

Yesterday Keith and I were sweeping the top of the driveway clear as it was muddy and leafy where we park and not very welcoming.  By the time we had slung buckets of water over the concrete to clear it, we had mud pies everywhere and boy was it hard work after a winter of less active pastimes!  Then it was scrubbing down a wall green with algae, and that involved a stiff broom dipped in water and held above my head.  Needless to say, I got covered in watery-algae and had to wash my hair again (I only did it the previous evening!)

It wad our wedding anniversary yesterday and we had planned a day out, but that had to be abandoned, as did my patchwork class the previous day, to try and do the outside tidying up necessary.  House looking shabby as algae growing everywhere from 9 mths of rain!  We popped out for steak for tea from Dewi's (fab local butcher) at Ffairfach and Tam cooked the meal as she could see I was worn out (it would have been beans on toast if I'd been in charge!)  That was washed down with a bottle of excellent red wine, and how great it is to be able to drink it again!

As for the viewing, I have got to the stage where despair is taking over and I am thinking, these are London people (again) and won't understand living in the country or old houses. Let's hope I'm wrong.


  1. Fingers & toes crossed for you for the viewing tomorrow. Someone will soon come and love your property, keep positive.

  2. I really do hope all goes well with the viewing - good luck :)

  3. Let's hope that they are full of hope for a new life in the country and have lots of £££ to back it up.

  4. One day the right person will come along.

  5. Good luck and hope the sun shines, it always makes people happy.

  6. Hope it goes well today. Have fingers etc crossed for you

  7. Belated Happy Anniversary. Ours was on the 10th of this month.

    I hope the viewing goes very well.

    God bless.

  8. All the best with the viewing. You & Keith have worked hard to maintain your home.

  9. Thank you for all your cheerful comments. Don't expect to get an offer as they are looking at LOTS of properties all over, not just our area, and are specific on what they want, but they did say that the agent was right with his love for our house - they could see it was very special. However the very special house has put a spanner in the works by having a Problem (which I did my best to hide until we can get it fixed.) I feel very down in the dumps today.
