

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Please fast forward Summer . . .

Apologies for the lack of posts recently, but I am properly in the Doldrums and feeling very run down and jaded.  I have never enjoyed winter, but as you get older, it becomes worse!  I wish we could wake up one morning to full-on summer, but at least spring seems to be getting a move on and there are lots of Snowdrops in flower along the lanes, and I have the first Crocus in bud, and have had Cowslips blooming throughout December.

These lovely flowers have cheered me up a bit - one of my Romsey cousins popped in with her husband on the way back from a weekend in Pembs.  I'd not seen her since her mum's funeral, 3 years ago now, so it was good to catch up.

I used the last of the 2019 Elderberry Syrup last week, trying to knock this cold (in my sinuses) on the head and it helped, so I ransacked the freezers and came up with 4 lbs berries and made about half a gallon more!  Most of it is in the freezer now . . .  My sinuses are a bit clearer but I am still sleeping poorly - awake most nights between 1 a.m. and 4.30 . . .

Last weekend was the January Fair we always do.  It was a chilly weekend though as there is no heating most of the day and they have several of the ceiling lights open to replicate winter for the plants which live in here.  Sadly, antiques dealers do not thrive in the same temperatures (and wilt at the summer Fair!!)  It is a lovely venue though, and it was pleasing to see several special things go to the right people.  We are trying to scale down a bit now and get rid of old stock.

Right, that's about it.  I have numbed my brain playing game after game of Bubble Shooter on line - it's about all my brain can cope with at the moment.


  1. January can seem longer than the other months of 31 days--folks tired after the holidays? Lack of sunshine? Maybe we are working against nature in trying to be busy when its meant as a time of rest?
    A venue where you were chilled most of the day--added to travel--sounds disheartening.

    1. Someone put a piece up on FB recently, quoting the 30 days hath September rhyme, but ended it in "January has 700 bloomin' days"!!! It does feel like that. Ihave had to hibernate with this cold but feel guilty as there are so many things I could be getting on with, but have absolutely no oomph in me at all, not even for sewing. The venue is always cold in January (it's a gigantic glasshouse!) and unbearably tropical in the summer but it's only 6 or so miles away. I'm still getting chilled in our house as we can't afford to have the heating on all the time as it's such a big house. I am sat here now wearing a woolly bobble hat!

  2. My husband and I both had the cold type virus with a racking cough from Christmas Eve until well into January and it took its toll on both of us. I have only just started waking up feeling in any way lively in the last week. Hopefully that is the back of the bugs for us.
    Get well soon I hope the syrup works for you. I tend to rely on paracetamol and hot toddies with honey.
    On the antiques front, My husband got the catalogue for the next John Goodwin auction and went to the viewing today. He seems keen to but a Pembroke table but I don’t know where we would put it. If you sell your old stock will you be buying more?

  3. No cough with this one Catherine. It seemed an innocuous cold to start with, but has persisted . . . Not like the one we had last year which was doing the rounds and lasted 2 mths with its victims, metamorphosing into different guises as the weeks went by!

    The syrup has helped. Just need the sleep now. Hope you get the Pembroke table - we tended to trade up when we were looking for furniture to fill this big house. I think the stock, if I can find what I like - is going to be different, lighter and smaller! We are doing less fairs now and a couple more are biting the dust due to one thing and another beyond our control.

  4. That jug of spring flowers at the start of your post cheered me up no end BB - like you, all I can say is 'roll on Spring', We have been so lucky here - nothing but sunshine for the last week - until today when there are sleet showers.

    1. It is still delighting me Pat. We are back to rain and grey skies again today - that dayof sunshine was welcome but brief!

  5. I am also so OVER winter!!! Bring on Summer

    1. We had one day in February or March last year when it was suddenly HOT and just like summer, and that got us through the last of winter.

  6. January is one of my worst months for feeling chipper. It seems like spring will never come here on the Canadian prairies.

    God bless.

    1. February tomorrow - hooray! How long do you have to wait for spring then Jackie?

  7. I wondered how the glasshouse would be in this weather. Is opening it supposed to replicate cool desert conditions? I want to go there to draw some plants but it's too hot in the summer and, from the sound of it, too cold in the winter. I like the little greenhouse nearer the car park.
    Take care.

    1. Yup, cool desert sounds just about right. Not warm antique dealer temperature, that's for sure! I like the butterfly house this time of year!!

  8. How I wish your illness would go away Jennie, it just hangs around making you poorly, well lets hope the elderberry gives some relief, and you will be back at the antique fairs soon.

  9. Spring flowers are coming out now (first daffodils and crocuses already!) I am about 90% better now but have little oomph yet! Cornishware rollingpin - correct! Waiting for a new owner. I sold the last one I had quite quickly but people are NOT spending much these days.

  10. The elderberry syrup worked a treat and I now have half a gallon stashed away in freezer. Antique Fairs drying up a bit as the other local one we do has managed to clash with EVERY single Malvern (he will be empty of dealers!) and the little militaria fair we do will probably only run twice more. . .
