

Jennie's recipes

Monday 23 March 2020

Dryslwyn Castle 2

You can just about make out (wooded hilltop, far right), the next castle in the Chain of Command from Carmarthen - this is Dinefwr, and I used to volunteer at Newton House, which are in the grounds.

Looking across the castle ruins to Paxman's Tower on the other side of the valley.

Looking down the Towy Valley in the direction of Carmarthen.

And again. . .

Not sure if this was a chimney or not (too small an aperture for a well anyway).

A big aperture for a huge beam (now around head height as the ground levels have changed so much), with a stone corbel to support it.

We've been keeping busy in the house and garden - this sunshine is wonderful.  However, it was frightening to see the selfish influx of visitors to Snowdon and (I hear) the Pembrokeshire coast last weekend, as if it didn't bring any risk of increasing Pandemic numbers down here.  (Cornwall with its many 2nd homes has been equally affected and anywhere with a beach looked like it was the middle of summer, with people packed in like Sardines).

It hasn't pleased us that the people who own the caravan at the bottom of the hill have just turned up from the town (Swansea I think) to sit out the Pandemic there . . .  We can do without this . . .

Tam had to go out to the PO this morning (NOT a nice experience she said, as the woman behind the counter was clearly terrified, and didn't get her postage right, overcharging her by £8 . . .  She must have been in such a panic.  They were only allowing one customer in at a time. 


  1. I think you have been watching University Challenge too much.... Paxman!!!! I remember when the tower was struck by a thunderbolt in about 1963 and one of the turrets was virtually demolished. It stayed like that for many years. Its only when the N T took over that it got floors, I think they also own the cottage nearby, Mrs Morgan lived in it when I was there.

    1. One of my mum's carers rented a cottage near the tower and that was struck by lightening too, so it's obviously the highest spot for miles around. Glad that the NT did the tower up anyway. It is Out Of Bounds at the moment - we are just doing local walks, but we are so lucky as fabulous views from each and every one of them.

  2. Beautiful countryside where the earth touches the sky.

  3. Indeed. Quite a vista from up on the castle hill.
