

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 24 March 2020

The "new normal"

Two laid back cats, enjoying the Spring sunshine - black Sam and mum Miffy (mum to our boys Alfie and Little Whale that is).  

Well, I hope you are enjoying this wonderful spring weather.  I have been doing a little sewing (hand or machine) first thing when it's still a bit chilly outside, and then it's pottering around in the garden, weeding, digging over, cutting back, and getting the veg plot extended.  I am hoping it will be very productive this year.  So far we have started off 2 types of Chillis, pink Russian tomatoes, Scarlet Emperor runner beans, Hunter flat beans, some ??will they grow?? out of date yellow Courgettes, Radishes, Spring Onions and the garlic is growing really well.  This sun has made it shoot up.  I've got a handful of peas soaking which I will put in a pot in the greenhouse to give us Pea Shoots for stir-fries.  I've also got Mung Beans sprouting for stir-fries too.

Tam has dug over last year's Bean bed and the first early potatoes are planted in it.  

The other morning I finally pieced the last 3 wee blocks for the 4th side of a border on the quilt I'm working on.  This will now be hand quilted.  I have a big pile of hand-sewing - a couple of unfinished  hexagon patchwork quilts which I have found at Charity Shops or Fleamarkets and did some work on but then got distracted.  Of course, there are no patchwork group meetings for the foreseeable future, hence the working at home and of course I have more time on my hands as we don't go out anywhere.

Here is Tam planting the first earlies.  The area above that bed is about to be reclaimed and used for Kestrel spuds.  We resurrected the plastic greenhouse which ideally needs a new cover, but I have now decided will "do"f or this year.  In January she bought a bigger version - more of a polytunnel - but annoyingly when we finally came to assemble it at the weekend, the main spacer poles were missing.  We have contacted the company and had a reply so at least we are not being ignored and hopefully they may send them - otherwise we will have to buy another and claim our money back from Paypal.  We had been so looking forward to getting that up and running too.

The plastic cover is now off the main bed which is clay soil and waterlogged, but this sunshine is drying it out a treat and we are gradually digging it over and getting the sun into it. Peas, beans etc will go in here.

FINALLY Ghengis has come out of the house where he has spent the entire winter.  He tells me he doesn't do cold and wet!  In fact, all the four winter house cats have been out.  Alfie has been out and about much of the winter but the other 3 have decided East, West, indoors is best!

Normally I am lazy and just do our bread in the Panasonic, as it means I can ignore it once it's on and go and get on with other things.  I have to say though, it comes out a little pale and wan, so in future I think I shall do it to risen dough stage and bung it in the oven.  This went into a cake pan, and I sprinkled the top with salt and freshly ground pepper  - oh my, it is tasty.  It's my standard half and half loaf with tasty Oat and Bran flour and 2 oz extra of Oatmeal (which I have now run out of).

Apple Dappy, which has always been a firm family favourite.  I had 3 apples past their best to use up.

Last night's meal - a tasty Teriyaki noodle stir fry with flat green beans and broccoli, and a piece of salmon topped with fresh ginger, garlic and chilli.  Yum.

Right, as I've been awake since 3.30 a.m. and up since 4, I will go back to bed and see if I can't get a few more minutes kip.


  1. Is it not marvellous to enjoy the sun and garden. What a busy bee you are, my oven is slowly dying on me and I thought to buy a Panasonic bread maker, but would you believe it major suppliers say - currently unavailable. So I shall still go on with the wonky oven.

    1. I hope your oven can soldier on. Not surprised Panasonic bread makers sold out - everyone seems to be making their own bread now they can't get to the shops. Have you tried Argos for your breadmaker? If you have a slow cooker, I believe you can make bread in that . . .

  2. Beautiful cats! Lovely warm sunny day to be in the garden. Your food looks delicious. Do you have a recipe for the apple dappy? I enjoy trying recipes from other countries.

    1. The cats are very smug now it is sunny! I will put up a recipe for the apple dappy (I'm sure I've got a blog post for it so will look for a link).

  3. You certainly know how to pack a lot into your days, I should think you needed that bit of extra sleep. Your cats are extremely handsome, especially Ghengis, but don't tell the others.

    1. Very tired as sleeping badly this week and up in the night with my asthma. I will whisper in Ghengis's ear that he has An Admirer!!

  4. It gets cold very quickly when I lose the sun in my tiny yard

    1. What a shame. When gardening, we tend to follow the sun around the house, but the veg plot is in the south facing bit so gets any sun all day long.

  5. The weather is so glorious at the moment and it is lovely to see the work you have been doing in the garden. The apple dappy looks delicious :)

  6. You are so lucky to be able to start your garden. It is still much too cold here, though it is getting better.

    Must look for seeds the next time I go shopping.

    God bless.

  7. I note that Tam was bundled in a wooly sweater in spite of the sunshine--that's spring gardening here as well. I suspect that a poly tunnel where one can raise veg to the harvesting stage is a better option than our little greenhouse--although I'm hoping we can use it to extend the season in the fall.
