

Jennie's recipes

Friday 19 June 2020

Didn't it RAIN?!

Well, yesterday was definitely one of those "There was no possibility of a walk that day" days.  It rained, hard, without stop, all day long. It probably did right across the UK. It was just as well my body chose yesterday to want to sleep and eat biscuits all day long.  I couldn't get enough sweet stuff - but then, your body seems to cry out for sugar when you are feeling poleaxed like that.  I am afraid I indulged it, and so losing the other half of the steroid weight (4 lbs) will take even longer to shed.  Keith is better in some ways but not in others, so it's a bit two steps forward and one back.

Theo snoozing in the office - my dad would have said "A yard of cat!"

This was the patchwork book Gabby gave me for my birthday.  It is full of gorgeous things to make.  I don't have lots of browns in my stash, but I do have . . .

Some lovely ideas.  You may surmise I am getting totally fed up with the current WIP's, especially as I have made the single quilt a couple of inches too big for the remit so have to rip it back and then sew on the border of white hexi's yet again.  There is nothing an Aries hates more than having to backstep on a project!   AGAIN!

I am hoping to get a short walk in today.  Tam and I have cabin fever!  Another 3 weeks apparently before the 5 mile limit to go anywhere is lifted . . .


  1. We didn't have rain here until after lunch yesterday and then just a steady rain - no downpour. Today it has just started to rain- not heavy but enough to curtail one's activities outside. (or give one a good excuse).

  2. I think I must be in one of the few places it didn't rain. We had a tiny bit during last night, but that is it.

    They are really gorgeous fabrics. I look forward to seeing what you make with them.

    1. Ah, but you are in the British "Deep South!".

      My brain is still feeling a bit frazzled, so I haven't come to a decision yet. Watch this space. I may try a Churn Dash block and see how it looks .. .

  3. Can you not drive 5 miles and then walk, exercise an essential?

    1. Yes, except the places we'd like to walk, all the car parks are still shut. We drove past Dryslwyn Castle yesterday - somewhere not exactly crammed with people even in the height of the summer holidays, and the car park is still shut.

      There is only ONE car park open in Brechfa Forest - and it has a walk of just a quarter of a mile! When you think how big Brechfa Forest is, and lovely wide tracks - lorry width to allow the logging lorries through - there is no reason why people shouldn't be allowed to walk there. Ridiculous.

  4. It sounds like we got it first then Pat, and you had what was left afterwards! I shan't need to water round for a bit, that's for sure!

  5. Only rained here for a few hours late afternoon, thankfully. It is usually us that has all the rain lol! Beautiful fabrics and a great book to browse, a wonderful gift.

    1. Our river is higher as a result. Quite busy and coffee-coloured today. The book was a fabulous gift - hard to see the patterns in the colours I have, so I shall have to have a play . . .

  6. What a wonderful book, no wonder your fingers are itching to begin a new project. Your fabrics are wonderful, love that colour range. We have brilliant sunshine today, I hope you do, too.

    1. I did TRY to make myself do some stitch ripping today, but the Aries in me is being recalcitrant! I find that colour range very soothing at the moment.

  7. Thursday seems so long ago that I cannot for the life of me remember if it rained here or not........we had a couple of very wet afternoons this week with flash flooding on the road in front of our house! The pictures from you book are wonderful, it is amazing what you can create with small pieces of fabric.

    1. Time is playing some strange tricks with us, as a friend said on her blog. All of a sudden it is the longest day and the wheel turns and we are heading downhill all the way to December and the shortest one! It does seem odd to buy material, cut it up into tiny bits, and then sew it back together again but it is very hypnotic!

  8. I have several of Kim Diehl's books, bought when I worked at the quilt shop. I made one of her quilts with an applique border, [done by hand] but since I'm not into machine applique, I haven't tackled others that are appealing. I like her 'folk art' style and her choice of colors.
