

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Tuesday Roundup and a recipe for Carrot and Coconut Cake

I'm glad to report that Keith is a little bit better - eyes fine now and headache easing slightly, and he has his appetite returning.  After a week sat in the chair though, he is going to have to start walking again, to get back to better fitness levels.  His shoulder has been feeble from not being used.  Use it or lose it, isn't that what they say? It doesn't take long to lose it at our age.  Rain has put off a walk today but we may go up the hill (Tam and I) in a little while.  It is SO humid, I can't go far, that's for sure.

Tam and I had cabin fever today.  I desperately needed to get OUT and as we needed a trip to the shop and PO at Dryslwyn, we did that and came the Long Way Home, via Llanfynydd.  We also stopped by my friend Pam's as she was out cleaning her windows and had our first Socially Distanced chat since we both had to retire into Shielding.  We stood in the rain, chatting, but who cares.  We shall be able to do this again now.  We explored the lane past her house as a possible walk - just as well as the first section of it is twice as long as it appears on the map, but no matter, when I am fitter again . . .

Here are a few photos of beautiful old Llanfynydd church and the God's Little Acre in front of it.  I didn't go in, but masses of Ox Eye Daisies and I don't doubt lots of other wild flowers too.

Sorry, this is the only view - as you can see, taken through the car windscreen, and it was raining quite steadily.  When we do the walk there will be much better ones.

Back at home, and here is my rambler The Garland, with bits of Adelaide D'Orleans peeping through when you stand close.

The biggest pear tree, laden with fruit again.  I shall have to dig out some recipes to mop them up.

At the front gate, the yellow rose (Golden Showers?) has an offspring of Paul's Himalayan Musk scrambling up and around the cherry tree behind it.

This was something to look forward to.  My old one has been dieing for a while (Tesco cheapie) with bits of metal covering peeling off and when there was a smell of burning plastic last week, I bit the bullet and Tam helped me chose a new one.  This is straightforward to use, the blue matches bits of blue in the room and I love the Retro look of it.  It should last a good bit longer.

Finally, I made this cake last week but forgot to put the recipe up.  If you enlarge it you should be able to read it.  Makes a nice moist cake.  I found three packets of close-to-use-by date Dessicated Coconut in the cupboard (I must have bought two on offer) so this was a bid to use some up.  I never bother with icing on the top.  Too much faffing about and extra needless calories.  Now we have no Fairs to go to (and thus cake to hand around), I am only baking now and again.


  1. Glad to hear Keith is better. I think old age started for me at 58. Always nice to view your countryside whether you walk or drive through rain or shine. You are lucky to have so many pears. Here they are hard to find and expensive if you do buy some. Love the retro look microwave. Another good recipe to try. Thanks!

    1. I'm 10 years on from that starting point and some days I have bags of energy but on others I feel decrepit! The pears will end up as bullies as I will have so many of them I shall be overwhelmed. We can buy them easily in the shops but these aren't sprayed and will be much fresher. Enjoy the recipe.

  2. Glad that Keith is a little better, hope he improves properly soon. What an atmospheric church it looks lovely but I suspect not good for hay fever.

    1. He's better than he was and will speak to the Dr again in the morning. It's a lovely old church and that valley was colonized by Christianity very early. There was an ECM within half a mile of the church. Touch wood, my pollen reaction is pretty well over for the summer as I think most grass has set seed now.

  3. So glad to hear Keith feels a little better - hope he gets completely over it soon.

    The church and churchyard are just wonderful and the wild flowers beautiful. A lovely example of God's Acre :)

    The cake looks delicious - thanks for the recipe - I may well try that although my dessicated coconut is 6 months over the use by date :( Trouble is with shopping online you are limited with Tesco on the amount of items so only shopping once a week now and not twice makes it hard to stock up on items I need for baking but which are not "essential".

  4. I shouldn't worry about out of date dess.coconut - use it up. The one in the jar I used was definitely out of date, but ok. You might not be able to replace it anyway! We can't get hold of cider vinegar for love or money at the mo. I am currently using O.O.D. (2018) semolina . . .

    Glad you loved the church and churchyard. We will go back for a proper wander round.

    Keith, fingers x'd, better today.

  5. Good news there! It has been a very humid evening

    1. I went out after the thunderstorm we had and planted my Cucumbers. It felt SO much cooler and refreshing.

  6. Wonderful news that Keith is feeling better.

    Humidity takes a great deal out of me as well. Love the photos.

    God bless.

    1. It is energy-sapping isn't it? I get in a muck sweat at the drop of a hat. He's mending, slowly, but mending.

  7. Good to hear that Keith is feeling so much better.
    Love that little church - looks interesting.
    A much better year for apples and pears here this year - thank goodness.
    Aspalls cider vinegar is made not too far from me,and always on the locally made shelves of the Co-op - wish I could send you some but bottles of vinegar through the post is probably not a good idea!

    1. I have the Mother part of an Aspall's cider vinegar and am going to add (scrubbed) apple peel and try and make my own again. I've made it before so will give it another go. I dont know why Asda don't have any.

      We will go back to the wee church and do a proper walk round it. I've been there before, a few years back, so there is a post. I will have to try and find it.

  8. Glad to read Keith is perking up a little. I have the same microwave in cream ought 3 years ago and doing a good job. So nice that you were able to chat to your friend. Very tasty looking cake.

    1. I'm glad the Popty Ping will last well. Blue was the only colour they had left - and it was my colour of choice anyway! The cake is very moist. I added chopped preserved ginger to mine.

  9. I hope Keith's health is indeed on the uptake.
    We could use some of your rain for the garden!

  10. He seems better again today. You are welcome to our rain - it is precipitating like there is no tomorrow and is due to do it all day .. .

  11. BB, glad to hear Keith is on the mend. Love photos and hope you get a walk this weekend - tomorrow is supposed to be good.x

    1. We are planning a walk today (Friday) but it depends on the weather! Hoping the weekend will have a chink in the rain and some sunshine.

  12. once again I try to leave a comment, lets see if this one gets through! Glad Keith is feeling better, I know from experience eyes are a pain! My PHM rose is just about over now, until next year, sodden petals on the ground below xx

    1. SUCCESS! Great to see you able to comment now. His eyes are better but he is still having the stabbing pains in the back of his head, so hoping that improves soon. My PHM is in full swing and Kiftsgate just joining the party.

  13. So glad to hear that Keith is feeling a little better, that must be such a relief. Thank you for the lovely photos of your surroundings, I do love to see them.
