

Jennie's recipes

Monday 15 June 2020


Rosa mundi

Keith's spoken to the Dr, and is to carry on with the medication he has and he may need to see him again on Wednesday.  Keith's not so chipper today, so we will just keep an eye on things.

I have had to come in from doing "a bit of weeding" that soon involved a shovel - you know, you see a pretty plant, and then it becomes an absolute Triffid.  This one can grow through walls as it has thrown out woody stems through the tiniest gap in the cement grout on a garden wall.  It is the one thing I may have to zap with weedkiller as it has spread by growing under the membrane and popping up yards away.  I can't remember its name.


  1. So sorry for late comment re:Keith but I haven't been on blogger much recently. I am so sorry to hear Keith isn't very well and I do hope he feels better soon. Worrying times and I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts.

    1. Thanks RR. I'm all behind in blogland too. Normally we'd have had him down to A&E but unless he is suddenly worse (instead of a wee bit better) we will wait and see.

  2. Hoping that he soon feels a lot better. A real worry for you. DWx

    1. I'm such a worry-wort too. I hope tomorrow he will have turned the corner.

  3. If it has a pretty flower don't call it a weed then it can stay (like verbena).

    1. Well Pat, it DID have, and then it sickened and got something which ravages the flower, so I just have a manky-looking woody-stemmed plant with leaves growing where I don't want it to grow! I think it is Phygelius - it keeps growing UNDER the membrane and popping up elsewhere in the garden and INTO a wall.

  4. Hope Keith is on the mend. Take care of yourself.

    1. Thankyou. I am such a worry wort and am sleeping very lightly at night at the minute. Hoping that tomorrow will show more improvement.

  5. My very best wishes to you and Keith; I hope he is feeling a lot better. Worrying all round, but good to know that he has another appointment.
    Are you managing to get any rest?

    1. For "rest" read "weeding"!!!

      His eyes are better this afternoon, so hoping the headaches will follow suit soon.

  6. I hope Keith feels better very soon.

    God bless.

  7. Thank you Jackie. He seems a lot brighter today.

  8. I am so sorry I have got really behind with my blog reading this week. I do hope that Keith is feeling a little better now?
