

Jennie's recipes

Monday 24 August 2020

A foraging walk

Tam and I had a lovely (downhill) foraging walk yesterday and came home with 2 1/2 lbs big blackberries and about 6 1/2 lbs of stripey wilding apples which I plan to make cider with.  Here's the view across the Towy Valley.

Common Knapweed (I know them as Hardheads).

A wee Scabious on the hedgerow - probably Devil's Bit Scabious.

A Violet which is a bit out of tune with the seasons.

Looking across the valley again.

One of the sort-of-neighbours up the hill from us.  Not very friendly  . . .

Walking into the view.

Orpine and a pale Red Campion.

You can just make out a Red Kite if you look closely.  There were about 10 of them hunting a field which had been sprayed with grass killer.

Finally, looking across to Black Mountain, and lots of rain clouds piling up.  Today has been one of those days and my dearly beloved and I have fallen out.  My mood is not improving with keeping.


  1. Beautiful and picturesque photos, thank you.

  2. Replies
    1. They do occasionally pop up, confused, in late summer.

  3. Your header photo is exceptional, so pretty, so summer. And I loved ''walking with'' you and seeing the wildflowers. Sorry you're feeling a bit out of sorts.

    ps that Keep Out farm is so odd, not picture perfect Wales, is it. Do you know the people?

    1. I couldn't resist that photo - I love Umbellifers. Must get one of my botany books out and see if I can ID it.

      The person with the unwelcoming gate is known locally with the prefix of "Whacky" . . . should tell you all you need to know!

  4. I love your walks, everything looks so green.

    You certainly managed a good forage.

    God bless.

    1. Blackberries in freezer (must transfer from tray to bag) and I will tackle the apples today.

  5. A beautiful walk and blackberries and apples foraged what could be better? The views are spectacular.

  6. A lovely walk - I like the idea of walking into the view.

    Blackberries here are more shrivelled from drought than plump although there is rain today

  7. Your photo of 'walking into a view' made me think of it as nature's palladium window.

  8. Another lovely walk with such beautiful scenery! The flowers are pretty. Have a good day!
