

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 27 August 2020


Our middle daughter Gabby came for lunch today (and brought most of it too, as she always does, AND got a bunch of Asters for me.  I love being brought flowers.)  It was pouring with rain, so we had a Socially Distanced lunch down in what was mum's kitchen, with the door wide open and Gabby with her mask on except when she was eating or drinking.

It was lovely to see her again.  We discussed what was likely to happen at Christmas.  I had to say I didn't think it would be a family one this year - she and Danny could spend it together and we would all meet up in a car park somewhere to exchange gifts.  Not ideal, but hopefully it would be a one-off, from necessity.  Once there is a vaccine, we could have a sort of "Second Christmas" and all sit down together, safely.

There was a gap in the rain, and some blue sky, so Tam and I had a quick walk up the hill late afternoon.   The clouds were amazing.

These bare fields have had the grass killed off, so I assume they will be re-sown.  This is where the 10 or so Red Kites were feeding on meeces when Tam and I had our foraging walk a few days ago.  The lane we were on is on the right-hand margin of the furthest brown field.

Looking up the valley.  Next door's cows are all grazing peacefully.

Black Mountain disappearing under clouds.  I wonder if we will get to walk up to Llyn y Fan Fach this year?  I doubt it now.

I had a busy morning and as it was chucking it down with rain from the moment we got up, I decided it was time to make a pan of soup.  My gosh, pan - it was more like a VAT by the time I'd finished blending it.  Recipe is HERE, over on Tracy's Farmhouse Kitchen blog.  I've frozen 2/3 of it and there is still plenty to see us through the weekend.  

Keep dry everyone!


  1. Lovely to see your family. I have finger crossed for next month.

    1. Hoping we can see Danny soon but it will have to be a weekend now he's back at work.

  2. Beautiful pictures of the scenery around your place. Hopefully Christmas will be free of the covid. Thanksgiving is coming up first for us, which is s huge family thing here. We have already invited people. None of us have preexisting conditions though.

    1. Well, we can but hope. I hope you can enjoy your Thanksgiving celebrations safely.

  3. Fabulous photos! We are house hunting in Shropshire, and Herefordshire and Worcestershire areas, as well. As we live in North Wilts at the moment it is a trek and pretty exhausting to say the least, so can empathise. We are at the beginning of our journey so really feel for you. Wishing you all the best - I wonder if we are looking at any of the same properties?!

    1. Hi Julia. That's quite a trek up to those counties from North Wilts. Probably not looking at the same properties but if you fancy one with a view at Garway Hill, it's too SMALL!!!

  4. Lovely clouds - lovely header too by the way.

    1. I have a soft spot for the header too Pat. The clouds were amazing.

  5. So many of your photos could pass as paintings. Love the changing skies.

    1. Thank you for that comment Mary. The scenery round here - it's hard to take a bad photo.

  6. Photos too beautiful to be real! Look like paintings.

    1. I see you and Mary think the same about the photos looking like paintings.

  7. Lovely photos.

    Like you I wonder if Christmas is going to be anything at all like what we are used to.

    God bless.

    1. I think Christmas this year will be a bit toned-down. There's nothing I really need - though a replacement Fitbit would be a good idea as I've still got one of the ancient clip-on ones.

  8. Wonderful photos! It has been very wet hasn't it, I hope you managed to stay dry!
