

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Chocolate, Pear & Ginger Cake - and update . . .

This is a lovely recipe - I bung in an ounce or so? of dried ginger bits as well (Keith loves Ginger).  It's really moist and tasty.

The photos are from a walk up the hill to Isaac and Rosina's (long passed, bless them) and back.  Lovely clouds and Umbellifers.

You are probably wanting to know about last week's flurry of viewings.  Well, we had 3 different families here.  The one on Monday apparently got confused over the timing and didn't turn up , but after the agent phoned they finally arrived in the afternoon, just for an outside viewing (though I showed them round mum's flat as no-one living down there now. )  I said if they were interested, they were welcome to come back and see inside properly later in the week and they said they would come at 10 a.m. Saturday (but didn't  turn up so must have found another house they liked - they were seeing several - and just driven straight home).  

They probably didn't realize that it took a lot of discussion and resolve on my part to allow complete strangers into our home when Keith and I are still shielding (until 16th August by Govt. decree) but indefinitely for us because of our health issues.  Having lost two viewings from cash buyers last month because we only felt we could offer outside viewings, we were worried about disadvantaging ourselves and losing out on a sale completely, hence having a family pow-wow.  The other viewings were Thursday and Saturday afternoons and went well.  Something may come of one of them but I am not counting my chickens until we have the keys to our next home - so many things can go wrong.

We have another viewing on Monday morning and meanwhile hope to hear something positive from last week (on tenterhooks).  P.S.  Agent just been on and another one booked for Thursday, a Welshman wanting to return home...  Thursday evening: the agent phoned AGAIN and another booking - so that's 3 now for next week.

I hadn't noticed this wind farm up there before - must look back at photos from earlier this summer.

White Campion - I have seen a few this year now.

So, keep those fingers crossed still please!


  1. X Fingers crossed toes plaited xx

  2. Thinking of you and my fingers are crossed.

  3. Each time you have viewings scheduled Jim and I recall the flurry of preparation, the waiting, the occasional 'no-shows'--I feel stressed merely remembering.
    I hope something finally goes right! What a time to be house-hunting. Country properties here continue to move.

  4. Keeping my fingers crossed. Won't you miss those gorgeous views?

    God bless.

  5. Good Luck and fingers crossed.

  6. According to last nights news - Houses are selling really well and quickly - so hope you get a good outcome very soon

  7. To read what estate agents are saying, people are wanting to leave cities as never before. They want covid-free outside space and gardens. It could be just the thing to help you, ironically! Good Luck.

  8. Thursday's one sounds hopeful.
    Thanks for the recipe..just when we have all the ingredients!!

  9. 🤞🤞🤞🤞 Toes, too, but that takes a bit of work.

    Those umbellifers in the first photo look like they are mimicking the clouds--or vice versa.

  10. That cake looks and sounds fab. I love baking but being on ownsome it seems either extravagant or pointless, to make anything bigger than muffins that I can freeze to enjoy 'fresh' over a week or two. Good luck with the viewings.

  11. Fingers crossed for you & Keith. I was just thinking that you haven't had a recipe posted for awhile and then this delicious cake makes an appearance. Thanks for the recipe!

  12. I feel like Jackie - you post the most wonderful views and I dont know how you can bear to leave.

  13. Fingers crossed for you here. I can't believe people don't show up and you don't hear anything, how frustrating for you.

  14. Hope you have the baking smell when they view!

  15. Thank you everyone. I am trying not to get too excited. I had a gut feeling during the Lockdown that afterwards people would re-evaluate their lives, and it does seem to be the case. I may well "just happen" to have baked a cake which is in pride of place on the table . . . or a loaf of bread perchance! Mind you, this house is so lovely it probably doesn't need any "cherry on top of the icing". We shall see, and I will keep you posted. This is the most wonderful cake (the bits of ginger make all the difference). Enjoy.

    P.S. I am sure I can find some more wonderful views when we have moved.

  16. What a tempting cake. My husband and I decided not eat anything with sugar or carbohydrates in it. It is called KETO and he has lost 40 lbs in 6months and me 25lbs. It is the opposite of everything we have been taught about eating. Our blood pressure is down also and we feel the best ever in our old lives .
