

Jennie's recipes

Friday 7 August 2020

Pig sick

 Just heard from my daughter, who is  trawling the internet for property, that the one which we thought was truly "waiting for us" has sold.  If only our interested chap had got the negotiations sorted  . . . we are still waiting to hear on the situation.  There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, within our price range that is big enough or not on a main road or to our liking.  We are gutted.


  1. So sorry - it is such a strain isn't it? Try not to lose heart.

  2. Oh man, so very disappointing for you. Hoping something else will turn up in your price range that meets your specifications in the coming weeks. Best of luck.

  3. My fingers are stuck crossed. Not long now. xxx

  4. So very sorry to hear this - you must be so disappointed. A house with a tower in an ideal location and still local to us and affordable disappeared off market the day I went to book a viewing. I've lost heart since in moving as I will not find another house I like so much locally that is affordable. So I can empathise just a little as I had fallen totally in love with that house. in my case it is too late now but sometimes sales fall through so I would check on it from time to time just on the off chance it comes back on the market.

    Do hope something better turns up for you at some stage and that things progress with the sale of your house.

    Sorry for lack of comments on your recent posts although I have now read them but we have been away for a few days.

  5. I am really sorry to hear that. Sending hugs.

  6. What a shame. Some people like to sell first and then see what is available to buy, but I've always done it like you - find something I really like and then hope to sell mine. I think it's probably the more stressful! If it's not meant to be, though ..... . You never know what will turn up.

  7. Oh no. What a b...... If its not one thing tiz another. Major hugs winging their way to you xx

  8. Miserable news, but one step at a time, there will be something I am sure.

  9. Thank you all. At least if we have sold we will be in a good position but I trawl Rightmove daily and as fast as the sort of property we like comes on, it is sold, and there hasn't been much on in the last fortnight which ticks the boxes as it CANNOT be near a busy road and so many are.

    I am holding on to the thought that when we are sold, the right place will present itself. We had viewed the house we were hoping to buy twice, and it had hung around for a year. Keith had even started making brackets for the big Victorian curtain poles we had in the shed, as this house would have needed them . . .

    RR - you have my sympathy over the house you fell in love with. I don't allow that degree of emotion any more after breaking my heart over a dear little cottage in Beaworthy, Devon the year before we came here. We even went to stay there to cat-sit for the owner, so it really DID get under my skin.

    1. Thank you for your kind words BB - much appreciated as I still get uptight when I think about it. The reason I delayed the viewing was because it was the week my mother's house went on the market and I was busy meeting estate agents and doing last minute removal of items a certain relative had left! I really do hope you sell your house soon and something you fall in love with will appear. OH on again tonight about us moving so I will yet again have to visit all the possible local areas on websites looking!

  10. Replies
    1. That's life isn't it? Something is planned out which doesn't involve living there . . .

  11. That is awful but you know what you want and I am sure you will find it, especially after your house has sold. Thinking of you.

    1. There is so little that we want in our price range - right across 6 counties. We will have to compromise with a Capital C.

  12. Never give up hope re: the house you wanted to buy. Unbelievably "my" house with the tower has suddenly come back on the market - my daughter has just spotted it. 25K more mind you. I am shaking and speechless to be honest. It appeared as sold subject to contract a year ago last April just as I went to book a viewing. Eventually it went off site so I assumed sold sold. Not sure what happened whether sale fell through or the owners backed out (photos are the same as last time). Will have to don a mask and view and possibly find out what this house is worth and work out the finances. Atleast no stamp duty atm which would pay some of the extra 25k!

  13. Oooh RR, I DO HOPE it is for you - as I was telling our viewer yesterday about the house we lost, I said if it's for you it won't go by you, so I shall say the same to you. After losing "our"house last week, I phoned the agent who was selling about the only other property I really fell for (but hadn't viewed) - house a tad small but good outbuildings and a fabulous view and in the right area. It had a SOLD STC sign on it on line, and the agent said it seemed to be proceeding to contract signing. I sighed - then, blimey, yesterday it was back on again so we will go and view. Everything we can afford is Too Small (not difficult after the 4,500 square feet we have here) - or in the absolute Middle of Nowhere in Powys (no good for us in our dotage). Fingers x'd for you!

  14. Thanks made a provisional viewing booking for Sunday. Good news about one of the houses you liked coming back on market. Fingers crossed over latest viewing and your hopes for the future.

    To be honest need to move has now become essential. Neighbour came to see us this morning and dropped the bombshell of the sort we have been dreading and is main reason for wishing to move. He is from the adjoining semi. Apparently one of his kids getting married in a year or two and by the sound of it will be staying there with his/her new spouse. Basically they plan to massively extend/rebuild their house adjoining ours! They plan to have it re-roofed with a massive loft extension being put in to make it 3 storeys! And new windows and the present back extension which is already 12 foot long (no planning permission) is going to be extended another 3 metres and they are also going to build on top of back 2nd floor extension jutting out about two metres. They are apparently moving out due to dust and noise for however long this takes - a year by the sound of it. Can you even begin to imagine the horrors of what we would have to put up with with constant banging, noise, dust. To be honest feeling shell shocked and sick atm as if life wasn't worrying enough at the moment. Not going to rush into a purchase as one I love is really over priced but especially now we will be considering it even if we do have to use a lot of our savings to add to what we would get for this. Also worry that his plans for next door may well affect our selling price :( Last thing I wanted to do was act in haste but it seems we will have no choice. I really am reeling with shock and worry!

    1. Oh RR - the Universe really does seem to have it in for us inhabitants of planet Earth doesn't it? So many of my friends suffering sudden losses, circumstances, worries - yeesh. Even the Royal Family are targeted it would seem! I hope you can sell your house before all this work gets started - have they got planning permission yet? Perhaps best to buy the house of your dreams, even if it means paying a bit more in a rising market.

    2. Thanks so much! I know life seems so awful at the moment just as years of worry over my mother, her house, and my brother living there and not looking after it, we get the pandemic and now this!! Going to see the house tomorrow - they have allowed us 30 mins. After sleeping on it (well sort of I hardly slept!!) have decided I am not going to be driven out. Will see how things go at the viewing tomorrow and then make a decision. But unless I find somewhere we all like then we shall just have to stay and put up with it! Not going to move somewhere unless I am really happy about it!

    3. ps I don't think they have applied for planning permission yet (we have told him we will object!!!!) but it will go through as there are so many massive eyesore extensions round here that have got past planning system. I think he came round at the last minute as he was a visit from an architect to draw up plans. Son reckons it will take at least two months from submission to get plans approved. So I am just hoping they won't have it done until next year which buys a bit of time.

  15. P.S. RR - because I had expressed an interest in that house I liked (not the one we originally hoped to buy), the agent phoned today to say the deal had fallen through as the buyer had a change of circumstances. I explained our circumstances, and we're going to see it next week. At least it will be one under our belt if we should suddenly get an offer (two possibles "in the air" from recent viewings) and if it isn't as bit as we need it to be in the house - hard to tell on paper - at least we can put it behind us.

    1. Good idea to go and see it and be ready. Good luck with the two possibles keeping everything crossed for you. I am not overkeen on going inside anywhere when we go tomorrow but I'll just wear disposable gloves and a mask and keep my distance from whoever is showing us around. Had to have the boiler serviced last Monday and I still haven't got over that or stopped worrying. I sprayed dettol anti viral spray after on everything in the bathroom where the boiler is and changed all the towels!! Door handles and stair rail wiped too! Heck I sound like Howard Hughes!!!!! Anyway good luck :)

    2. I was told by someone I know who is a Dr that house viewings (for us, shielding) would be OK as long as they wore a mask and gloves and all the windows and doors were open before, during and after the viewing. We of course were to wear masks too if in house (I show people round, so I an see if they are going to touch anything!) I am sure you will be OK especially as the house is vacant. I know where you're coming from though - everything that comes into the house is quarantined and/or "Chernobyled" with Dettox and I am getting paranoid about it all.
