

Jennie's recipes

Friday 18 September 2020

How many "useful" ice cream tubs do I really need?

 I have just been putting things "out of sight" in the kitchen as our buyers are coming back today to meet up with two local builders I have managed to get hold of to do some work on the cart shed barn (for his business).  They are sure to want to look around the house again so I Will have to make sure it is presentable and the kitchen table not strewn with apples for starters! Anyway, I digress: I appear to have umpteen "useful" ice-cream containers in there, with lids of course, which I use for putting soups and cooked fruits in the freezer.  Time for a sort out if we are to move.  I went through my baking stuff last year and put a box of surplus loaf tins and baking trays into auction along with various other ephemera.  Now I need to do a lot more pruning - a job for the weekend.  

Plus "going through drawers" - another round of that.  Then there are the (many) storage boxes of fabrics for patchwork.  I shan't have room for those when we move so I will have to harden my heart.  We won't talk about the books, yet, but if Tam had her way I would only own about a dozen. . .

I need to phone one of the Charity Shops too, and arrange to take sundry bags of "stuff" in to them.  I know that the Sally Army one is open again and they are a good cause to support, and will take books too.  

I spent all of yesterday morning on the phone to Agents in Wales and the West Country, trying to arrange viewings.  Easier said than done, believe me.  Especially with the owner who works shifts and the agents never know which day in the week they can arrange a viewing for . . .  They will "get back to me".  A PITA as I couldn't then arrange the next house in that area for the same day. Then there's one that is Online Viewing only.  Do they honestly think that people are going to buy a house sight unseen?  This one has a barn attached to the house and we would want to see how rough THAT was inside, and what needed doing to it . . .  You can't get the feel for a house properly just from a photo.

I am being held to ransom by apples again.  These are just a few of the biggest ones from ONE tree.  I have already cooked up loads and given bags and bags away!

Right, this won't do.  Still frightened it will All Fall Through . . .


  1. I have my fingers (and everything else) crossed for you.

  2. Very promising news.

    I am off to the veg shop to see what apples they have as I need to make some chunky apple sauce for long term storage in the pantry. Knowing my luck since I have made my mind up I want to prep some I will not be able to find reduced apples. Take care and I can feel you are in a better place. x

  3. Oh that all sounds so very familiar. We went through the same process clearing out to make a move overseas for a secondment contract. At least I had certainty, but no idea what I would be moving into. Hardening the heart in respect of the sewing stash was one of the hardest parts. It's remarkable how it adds up over the years without setting off any alarms. Here's hoping it all goes exceedingly smoothly.

  4. Wishing you success, both selling and buying. How hard it is to move! I got rid of almost all my books about ten years ago...I often regret them, wish i could reread or look something up. Now during stay-home time I find myself buying used quilting books, more than I could possibly use or make.

    Are the apples still green? Do they ripen in the boxes?

    lizzy gone to the beach

  5. I have everything crossed here for you too.

    I could do with some of those apples as my son has foraged blackberries and has had found a muffin recipe which uses apples and I have none.

    I have far too much surplus stuff and clutter. Still haven't gone through the stuff or most of the slides from mum's house as well.

    I hope you can manage to arrange some viewings and that all goes well when the buyers return.

  6. We now have to wait and see if we pass the Survey . . .

  7. I will be thinking of you and so far it seems rally hopeful that this will be it.

  8. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it does not fall through and you find the perfect house to move to.

    God bless.

  9. Fingers crossed for your sale. The apples are wonderful!

  10. It's amazing how many "useful" things I have removed from the house and never missed. I tend to put them out of sight for a couple of months and if I haven't needed them out they go. I winnowed the wardrobes during the week and now have a small wardrobe that is leaving later today. Fingers crossed for a sale soon.

  11. Can't imagine buying a house from photos alone. A number of years ago, we had to do some house-hunting for one of our military sons whose family was still overseas but getting ready to return for a new assignment about 3 hours from where we lived. We met up with their realtor and then visited 15 homes AFTER we had looked at exterior and interrior photos of them via on a large TV screen in his office. OMG. Sometimes, I wouldn't even get out of the car because a neighborhood was simply too awful. Realtors here aren't legally allowed to steer folks to 'good' or 'not good' places. But even more disconcerting was how many of the photos were misleading--or simply cut out views of poor workmanship, shoddy materials, or clearly had distorted the size of the rooms. We did finally narrow it down to two homes. My DH went through them carefully checking heating/ac systems, electrical box/outlets, roof/gutters, plumbing and so forth. I took careful measurements of every single room. The family chose one and settled on it without ever seeing it (as they needed to move in as soon as the family arrived from overseas), but they knew we had been extremely selective on their behalf--not to mention I sent them at least 150 photos and videos of every conceivable thing I thought they would want to see. So--buying via only photos? No.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the survey and with house hunting.

  12. Thank you ladies. Too busy house-hunting to answer individually. Perhaps I have mis-understood the Virtual Viewing - I think it is meant to be a sort of "video" of the house to get you interested during Lockdown, but is just a showing of the room photos, not a walk-round holding a camcorder type video. Anyway, you get to go inside! That said, someone we know sold their house during Lockdown to some people from the next village, without them ever going into the house. They wanted it for the land and the barn to convert for their son.

  13. I do hope you can find something soon. I think that I would find house hunting stressful at the best of times but in the current climate it must be really hard. I hope you can sort a few viewings out without having to drive back and forth all the time.
