

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 17 September 2020

WELL! That's a turn up for the books!!

 Someone likes our house.  A lot.  We need to go and look for somewhere else to live.  I don't want to tempt fate though - many a slip 'twixt cup and lip as they say.  Of course, finding that "dream house" is not easy - they are either ridiculously small or else on a main road.  We are looking over a wide area too - all of Powys, Herefordshire and the West Country too.  I have to be careful not to slew it towards the West Country too much, but I would love to return to my roots.  If the house is mostly right, then the garden is a dead loss.  If it has a fabulous garden, then it has bedrooms so pokey you'd struggle to get more than a bed in them.  Some promise much from their kerb appeal and then you look inside and they have been modernised so that all their historical integrity has gone.  I hate that.  The ones that push our buttons are in deepest Powys - half way up a mountain or generally in the middle of nowhere.  I wonder where we will fetch up?

Here are some photos from a day out Keith and I had last week, up to the beautiful Elan Valley by Rhayader.

Wonky chimneys in Rhayader, and below, an Arts and Crafts frontage to a house.


  1. Brilliant, I will say no more. Except perhaps that you have lovely days out!

    1. Don't we?! Carefully chosen. Am allowing a little Hope to take root . . .

  2. I am so pleased for you. As you say, many a slip, but this will have given you a much needed boost. Go for the location you love - gardens can usually be fixed!

    1. It's the near absence of a garden which is the problem with some properties. Anything else can be sorted but one had a sort of narrow strip down one side . . .

  3. Hey if house is right and the garden a dead loss go with it - you can always make a garden, adopt an allotment even (which gives you scope to downsize the gardening again later without having to move house again). We made the mistake the other way - bought the garden and view and put up with a dead-loss of a house. The area was right for us though so not all was lost.

    1. It has to have the land for a garden in the first place - the cats would be most disgruntled otherwise!

  4. Keeping everything crossed for you!
    Lovely photos

  5. Yay BB. I am soooooo very pleased for you. I knew it was about your house move when I saw the title of your post. Are they city dwellers or country folk who don't mind the farm next door. So please for you and Keith. Look forward to more news and info about your new home.xx

    1. They come from Wiltshire, so know that Green Exists! They don't mind the farm next door either. Phew.

  6. I am thrilled that someone likes your house. Good luck with the house hunting.

    1. So are we MM i think i need a new keyboard as it is playing up>

  7. That is wonderful news indeed - so pleased for you and I do hope everything goes according to plan. Good Luck too with the house search as you say so hard to find anything that is perfect. Lovely photos I haven't been to the Elan Valley since I was little!!!

    1. thanks rr> sorry keyboard being a naughty thing> we are having to compromise no end over the properties we like< but hey ho > > >

  8. There you see - all that despondency a week or so ago, and now some good news. Fingers crossed for both buying and selling.
    Lots of opportunity to show us more pictures of lovely places. I shall look forward to them.
    Keep on keeping on.

    1. I have to say, I have gone from despondency to euphoria in the space of about 3 days! Nutso . . . I shall share my journey with you.

  9. We had friends who lived in Penpont, just outside Usk. The countryside was beautiful and the serenity perfect. Fingers crossed for your house.

    1. It is lovely down that way. Usk itself is now a dormitory town for Newport apparently. We looked at a house there a while ago now but it didn't suit.

  10. Here,s hoping, and wishing and praying. 'nuff said, mustn't tempt the gremlins.

    1. I'm trying not to believe it's going to happen until we have signed on the dotted line.

  11. My fingers are crossed for you.

  12. I did feel most miserable i have to say> still hardly dare hope this is happening>

  13. I have fingers crossed that all goes well without any hitches

  14. Glad the doldrums have subsided and that someone loves the house. I had started to write an email to you, but it seems fate has intervened. What's not to love about your house and home - it is fantastic. Still think the house is picking its new owners with care. With regard to a property to go to that you are going to be happy with, visualise it, write down on a piece of paper your requirements - and your hopes. Fold the paper in half and then burn it. You are then releasing your intentions into the ether and it should materialise when you least expect it. Something will pop up that is ideal for the pair of you and the family. Nothing to lose. Fingers crossed and toes plaited that this is your time and that the timing is now right. Keep hoping, never lose hope. Hugs Tricia x

    1. The house has indeed picked them and now it feels like it has abandoned us!! We haven't found "the" place at all - we are going to have to make HUGE compromises and be sensible. Releasing my intentions as I write . . .

    2. Don't give in, if things are not right then it means that something far better is waiting in the wings. The house has not abandoned you promise. Just because they do not go as to how we think they should does not mean it is not going to work out. The way things happen will probably be a lot better for you in the long run it is just that you cannot see it at the moment. Fingers crossed - hope, trust and faith. x

  15. Yay! That is good to hear, I have all my fingers crossed that they are your buyers. I also hope you find the right house to buy too.

    1. Thank you SM. They adore our house and I know they are right for it. Our new home is out there somewhere.

  16. SO happy for you, good luck finding the new place.

    1. Thank you hart. We may have to go into rented . . .

  17. Amazing news and grand photos. Thinking good thoughts on your behalf and hoping all turns out for the best. 🤞 Toes, too!

    1. Thank you Mary. We are now in a different period of Limbo.

  18. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is no slip. Love the photos of your outings.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. Keep those fingers crossed. Glad the photos are giving you pleasure.

  19. Oh wow, this is good news. I hope all goes well for you and that there are no problems with the sale, and that you find the house that is a perfect match for you.
