

Jennie's recipes

Friday 4 September 2020

Sea air

With Keith for scale, Pentre Ifan burial chamber, near Newport, Pembs.  Below, Tam paddling.

I'm taking a wee break from blogging.  I've been sleeping badly and am very down these days.  We have another viewing tomorrow, some London folks, so I dare say country life around here will frighten them half to death and I am not expecting anything to come of it.  Must get back to the housework. 


  1. Hope you feel better soon. I have been enjoying your garden photos though am jealous of it's beauty (and the fact that you can name every variety). Also the virtual walks you have been taking us on. We've barely left the house since March 10th so your photos of the beautiful countryside have been particularly welcome. Thank you

    1. Oh gosh, virtually housebound since March 10th is NOT good for you so you have my sympathies. I am feeling sorry for myself at the moment, but you have helped me get a shift in perspective - thank you. I am glad that my photos of the countryside have got you out of the house. I see they are needed more than I realized . . .

  2. Precarious balance (the rocks, not life generally). Make the most of your break. You never know but city folks sometimes came from the country waaaaay back and are looking for something they feel nostalgic about. Good luck.

    1. They do look precarious especially as the innermost (blocking) stone on the right hand side isn't quite connecting with the capstone! However, there should be a good third of those big supporting stones under the ground and it's stood there several thousand years now.

      I am hoping that these city folks will love the house and appreciate what it has to offer.

  3. A country life may be just what those London folks crave and need. That is a spectacular burial formation. I hope you sleep well tonight, and me too. I had a hard night trying to sleep so I can relate.

  4. I am sure they - like many others - are escaping the city because of the Pandemic, and who can blame them? I have had 3 bad nights this week and it REALLY gets me down. Fingers x'd we can both sleep better.

  5. Hope you soon feel able to come back. Keep safe. Hugs x

    1. I'm a bit up and down but better tonight Beacee.

  6. Replies
    1. That's what I need - no sleep really brings me low.

  7. That flat rock looks like it is precariously balanced.

    I am finding it difficult this past month. Really only getting out once other then the usual shopping. It seems as if the days are all the same. Hopefully your break will do you some good. Also I hope you sell your home soon.

    God bless.

    1. It's been there a few thousand years so not too precarious!

      It's hard not to have outings to look forward to - especially going to Malvern Flea every month, or even just the local car boot sales (which aren't that local really, this IS Wales after all!)

  8. Sorry to read this ... Wonderful photo.

  9. Enjoy your break, I hope you get some restful sleep soon, you are right it is hard to function when we are really tired.

    1. Trying to feel more positive but this morning was bad.

  10. Do hope you feel and sleep better soon. A row of sleepless nights is hard to cope with. I am glad you got out for a while - love the burial chamber. I hope the viewing turns out better than you expected. Take care.

    1. We showed them round and they stayed an hour, and looked at the land well too. They have looked at Lots of houses though . . .

  11. Hopefully they fell in love with your house and the area.

  12. Hope you begin sleeping better and feel more yourself soon! Everyone I know seems to be struggling around here. Too much politics, protesting, covid and parents trying to work and remote school. It is very difficult right now for many. Give yourself a break and take care. Kathy from Chicago, IL USA

  13. Hi Kathy. Lots happening to bring folk down. Tomorrow is another day, said Scarlett . . .
