

Jennie's recipes

Monday 7 September 2020

The Universe has it in for me

For some reason I am being blocked in everything I am trying to do.  I have spent the last fortnight contacting companies trying to get a quote for some lime work which needs doing.  One came out, but we never heard back from him, despite texts and messages on his answer phone.  We are still waiting to hear back from two more companies we've contacted.

I actually SPOKE to the chap who cuts the side lawn (former paddock) for us, and he said he would be up "next week".  That was last week and we haven't seen him yet.  

Tam's been trying to set up on-line banking for K, and although mine with Lloyds was straightforward, Nat-West seem to want to block you at every turn.  We managed to (finally) register it this morning, only to find another hurdle - they want you to use a card reader every time you try and make a transaction!  Blardy hell - we're not money-laundering (I wish!)

We had another viewing on Saturday.  They have viewed lots of properties, so I expect they will have already pretty well found something before they got here.  I have just given up hope completely.  The scenario I can see unfolding ahead of us is not a good one and I am not in a good place in my head right now.

On the positive side, Keith has nearly finished the solid oak medieval "ark" for my flower supplies.  It turned out a bit bigger than I expected so I will have to clear a corner of the junk room to put it in.  I will suggest it goes on casters as it's very heavy to move around!! 

I made some more pickled onions at the weekend and this morning I made a jar of mincemeat, which smells amazing already, with the cinnamon and mixed spice in it.

I am trying to keep my glass half-full but fear it has been knocked over and emptied completely, if not broken. 


  1. Just carry on steadily. Things do get like this, but then something will turn and life will flow properly again.
    We use a card reader with Nationwide, I think they may have been the first, way back when online banking started. It is really no bother and it is extra security, no bad thing these days.
    Keep up the pickling..I am about to get onions in the jars, once himself has finished the washing up!!

    1. Thanks gz. Having seen people waiting an hour to do face-to-face banking in town (because of Covid restrictions), we have persuaded K he does not want to stand in the rain for an hour this winter, waiting to pay in a cheque! It is NOT straight-forward though!

      I have made room in my over-the-fridge freezer today so can pick a few more blackberries tomorrow.

  2. Don't, under any circumstances , let the rest of them get you down. That way , they win and that just wouldn't do!
    I know life is hard for you at the moment but there will always be rainbows - we just have to have patient and wait for them to appear in some format - which they will!
    In the meantime, keep smiling.

    1. I shouldn't complain. There are plenty of people worse off (a friend of 50 years' standing has just lost her husband to Covid) but it is just SO frustrating right now. Ah, patience is something that us Aries are not endowed with!

      Managing a smile anonymous, and thank you.

  3. It never rains but it pours, a totally frustrating and trite saying but unfortunately all too true. I feel for you and have no words to make you feel any better. Seeing as reverse psychology works with most children (and almost all men) perhaps if you decide to stay put potential buyers will beat a path to your door. I think that your home is just about perfect and the farm would not put me off. In fact quite the opposite as it is genuine country, not a sanitised version. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. xx

    1. Pam - having literally had 7 years "bad luck" before I am praying this doesn't continue. Perhaps we should decide to stay put and then they will be queueing down the road!!

      There are houses out there with the motorway a stone's throw away, houses near quarries, two fields away from the atomic power station at Hinkley Point, houses that flood, are next to a motorbike racetrack, 30 miles from the nearest shop, or one which is in the middle of two runways at Yeovilton . . . By comparison we "just" have a farm next door.

  4. I'm sorry that life feels as though it's going against you at the moment. I'm sure it will change, but wouldn't it be lovely if we had a crystal ball and could know when? I bank with NatWest and registered online OK, but haven't had to use the card reader yet. It's starting to feel as though they don't want us to spend our own money!

    1. I am guessing a crystal ball would be helpful for some things - but others you definitely wouldn't want to see coming. Thanks for your info on NatWest banking - again, it is just so frustrating when they don't make it easy for you to do things - especially when they wouldn't let him pay his credit card because we were trying to register his on-line account!

  5. Jennie the end of the world is not yet near. The problems of people who 'promise' to be there and yet do not turn up is universal. As for Natwest, I have an account there, apart from your computer you need your phone sitting next to it for an unlocking number. The card reader is not always put into play, but is a nuisance I must admit. The days of trotting down to the bank and paying in a cheque have gone, we have instant satisfaction as to how much money is in our account and just have to pray computer systems won't crash ;)

    1. It will be my phone he has as his doesn't have t'internet and lives, turned off, in the car, for emergency calls only. I know the people who don't turn up is universal, but right now, I could do without unhelpful companies, especially when limework is so specialist.

      I have to say, I now bank on line and it is SO much easier!

  6. So sorry you are down in the dumps, I think I would be if I'd been trying to sell my house for as many years as you have - I think I'd give it away and go off in a campervan!!

    You are well ahead of the game with the mincemeat.

    1. See my reply to Pam - believe me, there are a lot of really difficult-to-sell houses out there which are, some of them, selling right now (can you hear me gnashing myteefs?!!!)

      You have no idea how close to the mark you are with the campervan idea - though last week I would have been in it on my own as I had a meltdown!

      The mincemeat should be just right for Christmas. I start it in August some years.

  7. Getting workmen/deliveries to show up is a problem over the Pond, too. Took three weeks to get someone to come by with an estimate for replacing a line of trees. Then another nine days to get the estimate. Meanwhile, a 30m Locust tree in our backyard was felled in a storm (right where the new line of trees is to go--thankfully before ordering them). A tree service did come by to give an estimate for cutting up the tree and doing some other tree work, but still waiting for that to show up. Finally, still waiting for a dishwasher ordered on July 5 to show up. Four postponed deliveries so far. Supposed to happen this Thursday, but not holding my breath. A lot of frustration going around these days. Hope your glass fills up a bit soon--if only with something good to drink.

    1. You think they'd want the work wouldn't you Mary? Good luck with getting your tree estimate AND having your dishwasher delivered. It's the same for us with BT workmen to sort our phone out. I was going to phone up today but just couldn't face dealing with them!

      I think the glass may have something in it tonight . . . and my "for an emergency" choccy supplies will soon run out at this rate too!

    2. LOL (...might as well) - still no tree estimate and just got an email saying the dishwasher now won't arrive until Sept 24. Pull the other one... :)

  8. All you need is for one person or family to say yes to the purchase and it will happen. I am thinking good thoughts for you; waiting is nerve wracking I know. I dread dealing with large companies, especially on the phone. They say they will do something but sometimes don't.

    1. We had one Terra, and it fell through because he couldn't negotiate a barn out of next door .. . I can deal with large companies - used to when I was a PA, but the smaller ones supplying services need a rocket up their behinds!

  9. I am so sorry to hear this, it is so tiring when everything we try and do is thwarted. I do hope there is ray of sunshine out there for your with your name on it which will bring your some good news soon.

    1. I gave myself a couple of hours off today to read my new book (Elly Griffiths, The Lantern Men, and she was meant to be waiting till I'd finished The Winter Queen) and watch a couple of tv programmes I'd recorded ages ago, so that helped a bit. Hoping a rainbow will end up at our house soonest.

  10. Sorry you are going through a bad patch BB - hope things soon improve for you.

    1. Thanks Pat. It's frustration as much as anything. Already the prices have shot up (again) in our intended area and we are priced out of the market there unless we go for something very much smaller. I think we will have to stay in Wales at this rate.

  11. It will happen. Try and forget it for a wee while.

    1. I am burying myself in a new book (Elly Griffiths' The Lantern Men) - a good distraction.

  12. Hi! Your flowers/ photo are beautiful!

    What is lime work?

    Did you like Lantern Men so far?


    1. The roses are all David Austin ones and look/smell beautiful. Lime work - well, old houses have walls that need to breathe, and if they recovered in concrete render, this holds in any damp (especially if there is a crack in the render, allowing water to penetrate - it is then held there.) We have lime render and limewash on the walls, and several lime plastered walls inside, where we have done restoration work.

      Lantern Men is excellent - I recommend all her books.

  13. Thinking positively is the only way for the sake of sanity. My personal challenge LOL

    1. Gosh, but SO difficult to feel positive at the moment. I think it's the Covid worries (and worries over Keith's health) on top of everything, just dragging me down.

    2. I know how tough it is. Ok so I have been through stuff. No situation is the same. But what has worked for me is to change a situation if I can. If I can not then I change my way of seeing it for the positive. I had to. Then if I feel that my brain chemistry has really gone. I use things to get some endorphins generated.One is writing down three or more things every day hat i am grateful for. Thinking of you !!
