

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Thank you all

This is Newport Castle.  They must have wonderful sea views from up there.

Many thanks to you all for your supportive comments.  Blogland has so many lovely people out there and you have helped prop me up.  I am still down in the dumps but trying to get things in perspective, and to count my blessings.

I am still wading through treacle though, and forcing myself to do things which I would normally take pleasure from but perhaps it will all come right in the end.

It looked like even the toaster had it in for me this morning, as I couldn't get it to grip when I wanted toast.  As I had used it for crumpets yesterday, I assumed I had broked it!  Just gone down again to show Keith we would need to replace it, and it worked perfectly.  Hmmm.

I will try and get a walk in today as that always helps to put my brain in a better place.  Meanwhile, thank you.  I will put up some more Newport photos later.


  1. Yes BB I too get comfort and mutual support from blogland. Hope things are soon on the up. x

    1. Moreso than ever, in this time of Pandemic. I would just love to see my friends again over a cuppa and cake and put the world to rights . . .

  2. Where is that gorgeous beach in your last photo today? Can it be accessed other than by sea?

    1. I think you would have to be airlifted in if you couldn't sail to it! I'll see if I took a different photo of it for perspective.

  3. Could it have been a corner of a piece of bread that had got broken off and toasted hard, then slipped into just the right place to stop the gripping function? That happened to mine and even when I could see it I had a hell of a job getting it out! It sounds like yours has sorted itself out. It might be worth turning it upside down and giving it a good shake though, so it doesn't repeat it. I LOVE that picture at the bottom of your piece. It has started my imagination working overtime....

    1. Hah! That's how I broke the last toaster - turning it upside down and shaking it!! Keith said that the grip on it goes sometimes, so when it goes entirely I will pay more for a better one.

      Glad the photo inspired you.

  4. Take Care and feel better. Sending you hugs.

    1. We've just been watching All Creatures Great and Small (a fresh remake) and that has cheered me up more than anything. Well, and so has half a bottle of wine!

  5. Do hope you feel better soon - walking is good - always clears the head and helps you focus more positively. You are having a tough time with all the worry of the virus and trying to sell your house. Gripper on our toaster has gone too - you have to push the lever down and then in to get it to lock!!! Beautiful photos :)

  6. Walking is THE best cure for the blues with me. Everything seems to be piling up and piling up (more things than I can share on here). Toaster working perfectly when I went back down. Typical! It's the Tylwyth Teg I tell you!!! I forgot to leave milk out for them. . .
